Efectos de un programa de actividad física en el comportamiento agresivo de escolares adolescentes
Rivero Ochoa, Víctor Manuel
Contreras Banquez, Esmelis Antonio
Orozco Jimenez, Lorayne
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Antecedentes: La violencia y agresividad se han considerado un problema de salud pública. La actividad física acompañada de la educación en valores disminuye la agresividad y contribuye al mejoramiento de la salud física, mental y social. En la actualidad la sociedad se encuentra inmersa en cambios culturales, sociodemográficos y tecnológicos, que aceleran o llevan al adolescente a tener un estilo de vida no saludable, que además de llevarlos a hábitos inadecuados donde la actividad física (AF) y la recreación son reemplazadas por acciones de poco gasto energético, con frecuencia adoptan comportamientos agresivos que no aportan beneficios a su salud biopsicosocial.
Objetivo: Determinar el efecto de un programa de actividad físico deportivo en el comportamiento agresivo de adolescentes escolares.
Materiales y Métodos: Investigación experimental bajo el diseño de un estudio de campo en 92 adolescentes de dos instituciones educativas de la zona bananera del Magdalena. Se aplicó un programa de actividades físico-deportivas durante 36 sesiones en 12 semanas. Previo y post intervención se aplicó el Cuestionario de Buss y Perry y el Cuestionario PAQ-C.
Resultados: El estudio evidenció que el sexo masculino presenta mayor agresividad total, en relación al sexo femenino. Siendo la escala de agresividad física la de mayor predominio en el sexo masculino. Se observó una notable disminución en la agresividad total en el grupo experimental (pre=3,9±0,5; post=2,1±0,3). Todas las escalas tuvieron cambios significativos, pero en la escala de agresividad física el sexo masculino fue el que denotó mayores cambios.
Conclusiones: Los resultados sugieren una asociación significativa entre los efectos del programa y la agresividad en los adolescentes de la escuela intervenida, demostrando disminución de las escalas de agresividad, apropiación de los estudiantes en valores éticos para resolución de conflictos, mejorías en las relaciones interpersonales y el auto concepto.
Background: Violence and aggression have been considered a public health problem. Physical activity accompanied by value education diminishes aggression and contributes to the improvement of physical, mental and social health. Today society is immersed in cultural, sociodemographic and technological changes, which accelerate or lead the adolescent to have an unhealthy lifestyle, which in addition to leading them to inappropriate habits where physical activity (AF) and recreation are replaced by actions of little energy expense, often adopt aggressive behaviors that do not bring their health benefits. Objective: To determine the effect of a sports physical activity program on the aggressive behavior of school adolescents. Materials and Methods: Experimental research under the design of a field study in 92 adolescents from two educational institutions in the Magdalena banana zone. A physical-sports activity program was applied during 36 sessions in 12 weeks. Before and after the intervention, the Buss and Perry Questionnaire and the PAQ-C Questionnaire were applied. Results: The study showed that the male sex is more aggressive, in relation to the female sex. Being the scale of physical aggression the one of greater predominance in the masculine sex. There was a notable decrease in total aggressiveness in the experimental group (pre = 3.9 ± 0.5, post = 2.1 ± 0.3). All the scales had significant changes, but in the scale of physical aggression the masculine sex was the one that denoted major changes. Conclusions: The results suggest a significant association between the effects of the program and aggressiveness in the adolescents of the intervened school, demonstrating a decrease in aggressiveness scales, students' appropriation in ethical values for conflict resolution, improvements in interpersonal relationships and self-concept.
Background: Violence and aggression have been considered a public health problem. Physical activity accompanied by value education diminishes aggression and contributes to the improvement of physical, mental and social health. Today society is immersed in cultural, sociodemographic and technological changes, which accelerate or lead the adolescent to have an unhealthy lifestyle, which in addition to leading them to inappropriate habits where physical activity (AF) and recreation are replaced by actions of little energy expense, often adopt aggressive behaviors that do not bring their health benefits. Objective: To determine the effect of a sports physical activity program on the aggressive behavior of school adolescents. Materials and Methods: Experimental research under the design of a field study in 92 adolescents from two educational institutions in the Magdalena banana zone. A physical-sports activity program was applied during 36 sessions in 12 weeks. Before and after the intervention, the Buss and Perry Questionnaire and the PAQ-C Questionnaire were applied. Results: The study showed that the male sex is more aggressive, in relation to the female sex. Being the scale of physical aggression the one of greater predominance in the masculine sex. There was a notable decrease in total aggressiveness in the experimental group (pre = 3.9 ± 0.5, post = 2.1 ± 0.3). All the scales had significant changes, but in the scale of physical aggression the masculine sex was the one that denoted major changes. Conclusions: The results suggest a significant association between the effects of the program and aggressiveness in the adolescents of the intervened school, demonstrating a decrease in aggressiveness scales, students' appropriation in ethical values for conflict resolution, improvements in interpersonal relationships and self-concept.
Palabras clave
Actividad física, Agresión, Adolescentes, Physical activity, Aggression, Teenagers