Los instrumentos procesales de las víctimas de contratos de leasing habitacional por viviendas construidas ilegalmente versus las entidades financieras. Caso Cartagena de Indias
Uribe Díaz, Juan Rafael
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El leasing habitacional es uno de los contratos de mayor uso en la actualidad para
la adquisición de vivienda familiar, ello en razón a que proporciona al usuario una
serie de beneficios de que carecen los créditos hipotecarios. En el leasing, el
propietario del inmueble es la entidad financiera hasta tanto el usuario no ejerza y
pague la opción de compra pactada. Una de las obligaciones principales de los
usuarios es usar el inmueble para habitación familiar, consérvalo y pagar los
cánones de arriendo; por su parte, las entidades financieras se obligan a
garantizar el uso y goce del inmueble. En el caso objeto de estudio, el desplome
del edificio Portal de Blas de Lezo II conllevó al hallazgo de dieciséis edificios
construidos ilegalmente en la ciudad de Cartagena, debido a que tenían licencias
de construcción falsas, no respetaban las normas del Plan de Ordenamiento
Territorial, ni los materiales cumplían con los requisitos para este tipo de
construcciones. Esos edificios, fueron desalojados previo a la realización de
estudios por parte de las facultades de ingeniería de las Universidades de
Cartagena y Nacional de Colombia, que determinaron que esos edificios tenían
alto riesgo de desplome. Para que las personas accedieran a desalojar los
edificios en riesgo, la Alcaldía Mayor de Cartagena reconoció un subsidio temporal
de arriendo a las personas afectadas. Los constructores ilegales fueron
capturados y posteriormente dejados en libertad por vencimiento de términos y los
procesos continúan su curso sin que se hubiere proferido decisión de fondo; se
iniciaron acciones de reparación directa en contra del ente territorial que aún no
han sido decididas. No se evidenció la presentación de acciones judiciales civiles
en contra de las entidades financieras con miras a resolver los contratos y de
haber lugar a ello, establecer las indemnizaciones correspondientes. Cabe resaltar
que el contrato de leasing, por ser un contrato atípico, ha sido regulado por el
Gobierno Nacional a través de decretos, sin embargo, los mismos no dan una
solución al problema planteado.
Background: On April 27, 2017, the Portal de Blas de Lezo II building under construction collapsed, located in Cartagena de India’s, leaving 21 people dead and 22 injured, most of them workers who worked in that construction. This event was news that had wide national resonance and the investigations concluded that the building was an illegal work, that it had a false construction license, did not comply with the Territorial Ordering Plan and the materials used for its construction were not adequate. As a result of this fact, the investigations continued, finding sixteen buildings in the same city cataloged as illegal constructions to which two studies were carried out, determining that they were at risk of collapse, for which the eviction of them was ordered. -General Objective: Analyze the procedural instruments for the defense of the victims of housing leasing contracts for the acquisition of family homes illegally built in front of financial entities, Cartagena de India’s case. Materials and Methods: Type of study: applied research based on the Historical - Hermeneutic, being therefore descriptive and correlational in nature because each of the study variables has been indicated and then the degree of relationship between the variables has been measured. Study population: the study of the master's degree falls on procedural law, it is the phenomenon of the conflict between the procedural legal institutions in Colombia for the protection of the victims -people- of the housing leasing contracts in illegally built houses and the financial system, visualized in the case study in Cartagena de Indias.
Background: On April 27, 2017, the Portal de Blas de Lezo II building under construction collapsed, located in Cartagena de India’s, leaving 21 people dead and 22 injured, most of them workers who worked in that construction. This event was news that had wide national resonance and the investigations concluded that the building was an illegal work, that it had a false construction license, did not comply with the Territorial Ordering Plan and the materials used for its construction were not adequate. As a result of this fact, the investigations continued, finding sixteen buildings in the same city cataloged as illegal constructions to which two studies were carried out, determining that they were at risk of collapse, for which the eviction of them was ordered. -General Objective: Analyze the procedural instruments for the defense of the victims of housing leasing contracts for the acquisition of family homes illegally built in front of financial entities, Cartagena de India’s case. Materials and Methods: Type of study: applied research based on the Historical - Hermeneutic, being therefore descriptive and correlational in nature because each of the study variables has been indicated and then the degree of relationship between the variables has been measured. Study population: the study of the master's degree falls on procedural law, it is the phenomenon of the conflict between the procedural legal institutions in Colombia for the protection of the victims -people- of the housing leasing contracts in illegally built houses and the financial system, visualized in the case study in Cartagena de Indias.
Palabras clave
Los instrumentos procesales, La defensa, Las víctimas, Contratos de leasing habitacional, Locatarios, Adquisición de vivienda familiar, Construcciones ilegales, Entidades financieras, Sistema financiero, Procedural instruments, Defense, victims, Housing leasing contracts, Tenants, Acquisition of family homes, Illegal constructions, Financial entities, Financial system