Hábitos de alimentación saludable en estudiantes de secundaria
Colmenares Capacho, Yngrid Vanessa
Hernández González, Karla Daniela
Piedrahita Marín, María Alejandra
Espinosa-Castro, Jhon-Franklin
Hernández-Lalinde, Juan
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Sociedad Venezolana de Farmacología Clínica y Terapéutica
En el marco legal de la UNICEF, la Ley Orgánica para la
Protección del Niño, Niña y Adolescente, hace referencia a
los derechos de ellos en aspectos de información, atención
en salud y nutrición. La formación de hábitos alimentarios y
estilos de vida saludable conforman un área prioritaria. El artículo tiene por objetivo analizar los hábitos de alimentación
en estudiantes a través de un grupo focal y por medio de
entrevistas a padres de familia, administrativos y directivos,
desde un enfoque cualitativo. El análisis fue realizado en Excel y Atlas-Ti, desde la matriz de categorización e igualmente
la matriz de triangulación de la información recolectada. Se
concluye que es fundamental proponer y orientar una alimentación adecuada desde la infancia para prevenir enfermedades, desórdenes de alimentación, desnutrición, sobrepeso e
incluso la muerte, y es responsabilidad de la familia e institución velar y garantizar estas condiciones.
Within the legal framework of UNICEF, the Organic Law for the Protection of Children and Adolescents refers to their rights in aspects of information, health care and nutrition. The formation of eating habits and healthy lifestyles make up a priority area. The article aims to analyze eating habits in students through a focus group and through interviews with parents, administrators and managers, from a qualitative approach. The analysis was performed in Excel and Atlas-Ti, from the categorization matrix and also the triangulation matrix of the information collected. It is concluded that it is essential to propose and guide adequate food from childhood to prevent diseases, eating disorders, malnutrition, overweight and even death, and it is the responsibility of the family and institution to ensure and guarantee these conditions.
Within the legal framework of UNICEF, the Organic Law for the Protection of Children and Adolescents refers to their rights in aspects of information, health care and nutrition. The formation of eating habits and healthy lifestyles make up a priority area. The article aims to analyze eating habits in students through a focus group and through interviews with parents, administrators and managers, from a qualitative approach. The analysis was performed in Excel and Atlas-Ti, from the categorization matrix and also the triangulation matrix of the information collected. It is concluded that it is essential to propose and guide adequate food from childhood to prevent diseases, eating disorders, malnutrition, overweight and even death, and it is the responsibility of the family and institution to ensure and guarantee these conditions.
Palabras clave
Alimentación, Hábitos de alimentación, Nutrición, Sobrepreso, Trastornos de la alimentación, Feeding, Eating habits, Nutrition, Overweight, Eating disorders