Afectación del medio ambiente en el marco del conflicto armado: oleoducto Caño Limón Coveñas en el Catatumbo
Arias Rincon, Jose Jesid
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Las riquezas del Catatumbo en razón de los recursos naturales, entre ellos, los hidrocarburos, han llevado han llevado la región a un abandono por parte de los gobiernos de turno , como estado de regulación y control a través de la creación de marcos Institucionales y legales frente a la exploración, explotación, refinación, transporte, almacenamiento, distribución y comercialización de los mismos en el país, pero desde esta gestión administrativa se ha generado una gran dificultad sustancial, y la es la creación de varias instituciones de carácter público sub especializadas que burocratizan los procesos administrativos y dificultan el desarrollo de una gestión eficiente y eficaz, pero además, en el marco legal existe una gran gama de disposiciones normativas segregadas, concretas y que funcionan de manera atómica y particularizada que dificulta en la práctica el desarrollo de estas actividades en relación y concordancia con los retos impuestos por el mercado mundial frente a los mismos.
En esta perspectiva, este trabajo pretende hacer una reconstrucción teórica de estos dos frentes, para con ellos verificar las condiciones de atomización legislativa, que lleva a la dispersión en el cumplimiento de la función administrativa y a desvirtuar modelos de prestación de servicios eficientes y eficaces por parte del Estado y los particulares, que afectan el acceso y disfrute del bienestar colectivo. Se evidencia la ausencia de las normas para poder contrarrestar la afectación al medio ambiente, donde se refleja la pobreza y abandono total del estado, administraciones municipales con muchas debilidades para tender estas clases de eventos y desconocimiento de la norma, Ecopetrol solo se limita a rapar lo que la Ley le permite ya que el 100% de las emergencias por terceros desconocidos y sumando los hurtos e ilícitas para el procesamiento de la droga
The riches of Catatumbo due to natural resources, including hydrocarbons, have led the region to abandon it by the governments of the day, as a state of regulation and control through the creation of institutional and legal frameworks in the face of the exploration, exploitation, refining, transport, storage, distribution and commercialization of the same in the country, but from this administrative management a great substantial difficulty has been generated, and it is the creation of several sub specialized public institutions that bureaucratize administrative processes and hinder the development of efficient and effective management, but also, in the legal framework there is a wide range of segregated, concrete regulatory provisions that function in an atomic and particularized manner that makes it difficult in practice to develop these activities in relation and agreement with the challenges imposed by the global market ial in front of them. In this perspective, this work aims to make a theoretical reconstruction of these two fronts, to verify the conditions of legislative fragmentation, which leads to dispersion in the fulfillment of the administrative function and to distort models of efficient and effective service delivery by of the State and individuals, which affect the access and enjoyment of collective welfare. The absence of the norms is evident to be able to counteract the affectation to the environment, where the poverty and total abandonment of the state are reflected, municipal administrations with many weaknesses to tend these classes of events and ignorance of the norm, Ecopetrol only limits to shave what the Law allows since 100% of emergencies by unknown third parties and adding theft and illicit for the processing of the drug
The riches of Catatumbo due to natural resources, including hydrocarbons, have led the region to abandon it by the governments of the day, as a state of regulation and control through the creation of institutional and legal frameworks in the face of the exploration, exploitation, refining, transport, storage, distribution and commercialization of the same in the country, but from this administrative management a great substantial difficulty has been generated, and it is the creation of several sub specialized public institutions that bureaucratize administrative processes and hinder the development of efficient and effective management, but also, in the legal framework there is a wide range of segregated, concrete regulatory provisions that function in an atomic and particularized manner that makes it difficult in practice to develop these activities in relation and agreement with the challenges imposed by the global market ial in front of them. In this perspective, this work aims to make a theoretical reconstruction of these two fronts, to verify the conditions of legislative fragmentation, which leads to dispersion in the fulfillment of the administrative function and to distort models of efficient and effective service delivery by of the State and individuals, which affect the access and enjoyment of collective welfare. The absence of the norms is evident to be able to counteract the affectation to the environment, where the poverty and total abandonment of the state are reflected, municipal administrations with many weaknesses to tend these classes of events and ignorance of the norm, Ecopetrol only limits to shave what the Law allows since 100% of emergencies by unknown third parties and adding theft and illicit for the processing of the drug
Palabras clave
Hidrocarburos, Función administrativa, Marco legal, Marco institucional, Hydrocarbons, Administrative function, Legal framework, Institutional framework