Educación propia de la etnia Mokaná: Experiencia organizacional contemporánea
Peralta Miranda, Pabla
Cervantes Atía, Viviana
Olivares Leal, Amado
Ochoa Ruiz, Josefina
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Universidad del Zulia
Las posibilidades de inclusión que ha propiciado en estas últimas décadas la globalización, han
impactado de manera diferente a los grupos étnicos indígenas en los países de Latinoamérica, los cuales
llevan a cabo proyectos para aprovechar los avances que han logrado a nivel social, económico, cultural y
educativo. El objetivo de este trabajo es proponer un modelo de etnoeducación para la etnia Mokaná, del
territorio de Malambo, costa Caribe colombiana, de acuerdo con los lineamientos del Sistema de Educación
Indígena Propio. El diseño de esta investigación es de tipo exploratorio transversal, con un enfoque cualitativo
y método etnográfico–hermenéutico. Como técnicas de investigación se utilizaron la revisión documental,
la observación participativa y la entrevista a profundidad. El resultado obtenido fue el diseño de un modelo
de etnoeducación para el territorio de Malambo, que divulga la memoria ancestral y tiende a preservar sus
tradiciones para las nuevas generaciones. Se concluye, que esta propuesta constituye un lineamiento concreto
en las mallas curriculares y en los proyectos educativos institucionales que permite hacer realidad las distintas
disposiciones relativas a la etnoeducación.
The possibilities of inclusion that globalization has led to in recent decades have impacted indigenous ethnic groups differently in Latin American countries, which carry out projects to take advantage of the progress they have made on a social, economic, cultural level and educational. The objective of this work is to propose a model of ethnoeducation for the Mokaná ethnic group, from the territory of Malambo, the Colombian Caribbean coast, in accordance with the guidelines of the Own Indigenous Education System. The design of this research is of a transversal exploratory type, with a qualitative approach and ethnographichermeneutical method. As research techniques, documentary review, participatory observation and in-depth interviews were used. The result was the design of an ethnoeducation model for the territory of Malambo, which disseminates ancestral memory and tends to preserve its traditions for new generations. It is concluded that this proposal constitutes a concrete guideline in the curricular meshes and in the institutional educational projects that allow the different provisions related to ethno-education to be realized.
The possibilities of inclusion that globalization has led to in recent decades have impacted indigenous ethnic groups differently in Latin American countries, which carry out projects to take advantage of the progress they have made on a social, economic, cultural level and educational. The objective of this work is to propose a model of ethnoeducation for the Mokaná ethnic group, from the territory of Malambo, the Colombian Caribbean coast, in accordance with the guidelines of the Own Indigenous Education System. The design of this research is of a transversal exploratory type, with a qualitative approach and ethnographichermeneutical method. As research techniques, documentary review, participatory observation and in-depth interviews were used. The result was the design of an ethnoeducation model for the territory of Malambo, which disseminates ancestral memory and tends to preserve its traditions for new generations. It is concluded that this proposal constitutes a concrete guideline in the curricular meshes and in the institutional educational projects that allow the different provisions related to ethno-education to be realized.
Palabras clave
Etnoeducación, Modelo de educación propia, Etnia Mokaná, Sistema de educación indígena propio, Colombia, Ethnoeducation, Own education model, Mokaná ethnic group, Own indigenous education system