Percepción de las prácticas pedagógicas en competencias ciudadanas de los estudiantes de grados 10 y 11 de la Institución Educativa Anna Vitiello
Martínez Barrios, Carlos Eduardo
García Noriega, Cristian Alexis
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El desarrollo del siguiente proyecto de investigación buscó conocer las percepciones de las prácticas pedagógicas en competencias ciudadanas de los estudiantes de los grados 10 y 11 de la Institución Educativa Anna Vitiello. Para ello se sustentó en referentes teóricos de prácticas pedagógicas, diseño universal de aprendizaje y competencias ciudadanas, las cuales toman como bases lo descrito por el Ministerio de educación (2006), Chaux (2005) y Carvajal (2013). Metodológicamente se desarrolla desde un paradigma positivista con enfoque cuantitativo y diseño descriptivo. La población y muestra fue la totalidad de los estudiantes de los grados 10 y 11 de la Institución Educativa Anna Vitiello a quienes se les aplicó la encuesta digital. Se destaca la apropiación de conceptos y acciones propias de la convivencia ciudadana pero también la necesidad de fortalecer las prácticas pedagógicas
The development of the following research project sought to know the perceptions of pedagogical practices in citizenship competencies of students in grades 10 and 11 of the Anna Vitiello Educational Institution. For this, it was based on theoretical references of pedagogical practices, universal design of learning and citizen competences, which take as bases what was described by the Ministry of Education (2006), Chaux (2005) and Carvajal (2013). Methodologically, it is developed from a positivist paradigm with a quantitative approach and descriptive design. The population and sample was all the students of grades 10 and 11 of the Anna Vitiello Educational Institution to whom the digital survey was applied. It highlights the appropriation of concepts and actions of citizen coexistence but also the need to strengthen pedagogical practices in citizen skills, mediated by technology as referred to by students
The development of the following research project sought to know the perceptions of pedagogical practices in citizenship competencies of students in grades 10 and 11 of the Anna Vitiello Educational Institution. For this, it was based on theoretical references of pedagogical practices, universal design of learning and citizen competences, which take as bases what was described by the Ministry of Education (2006), Chaux (2005) and Carvajal (2013). Methodologically, it is developed from a positivist paradigm with a quantitative approach and descriptive design. The population and sample was all the students of grades 10 and 11 of the Anna Vitiello Educational Institution to whom the digital survey was applied. It highlights the appropriation of concepts and actions of citizen coexistence but also the need to strengthen pedagogical practices in citizen skills, mediated by technology as referred to by students
Palabras clave
Competencias ciudadanas, Percepción, Prácticas pedagógicas, Institución educativa, Citizenship skills, Perception, Pedagogical practices, Educational institution