Factores de riesgos afectivos y sociales en personas con intento suicida
Berardinelli, María Paula
Jiménez Carrillo, Layneth Milagros
Tapia Arzuaga, Paola Vanesa
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
A través de la historia, la conducta suicida se ha venido traspasando
de cultura en cultura generándose ideales de opinión con aceptación y
comprensión al acto suicida, otras que consideran el suicidio como una
transgresión moral, y otras fuerzas que ven la conducta suicida como
manifestación de una alteración mental. 1. La conducta suicida podría considerarse
una continuidad que va desde aspectos cognitivos como la ideación suicida, hasta
los conductuales, como el intento suicida o el suicidio 2. El suicidio se ha
convertido en un importante problema de salud pública. Según las estimaciones
de la OMS, uno de los hallazgos más preocupantes a nivel mundial es el aumento
de las tasas de suicidio que se está produciendo entre los jóvenes (15-29 años),
que se sitúa como una de las tres causas de muerte más frecuentes en este grupo
de edad 3. Un gran número de factores que podrían contribuir con la ocurrencia de
la conducta suicida han sido identificados, los cuales incluyen factores
individuales, familiares y sociales.
Throughout history, behavior commits suicide has become transcending culture in the culture of the same has become an act of conduct, has become an act of suicide, and has manifested itself in a behavior. A mental alteration Suicidal behavior could become a continuity that goes from cognitive aspects such as suicidal ideation, to behavioral ones, such as suicide attempt or suicide. Suicide has become a major public health problem. According to the results of the WHO, one of the most worrying findings worldwide is the increase in suicide rates that is occurring among young people (15 to 29 years old), which is one of the causes of death more frequent in this age group. A large number of factors are related to the occurrence of suicidal behavior.
Throughout history, behavior commits suicide has become transcending culture in the culture of the same has become an act of conduct, has become an act of suicide, and has manifested itself in a behavior. A mental alteration Suicidal behavior could become a continuity that goes from cognitive aspects such as suicidal ideation, to behavioral ones, such as suicide attempt or suicide. Suicide has become a major public health problem. According to the results of the WHO, one of the most worrying findings worldwide is the increase in suicide rates that is occurring among young people (15 to 29 years old), which is one of the causes of death more frequent in this age group. A large number of factors are related to the occurrence of suicidal behavior.
Palabras clave
Ideación suicida, Suicidio, Factores prevalentes, Conducta suicida, Adolescentes, Joven adulto, Suicidal ideation, Suicide, Prevalent factors, Suicidal behavior, Adolescents, Young adult