Corrupción y contrabando en la frontera Norte de Santander (Colombia) y Táchira (Venezuela)
Mazuera-Arias, Rina
Albornoz-Arias, Neida
Biasoli-Alves, Gustavo
Ortiz, Fernando A.
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Universidad del Zulia
Toda frontera representa para los Estados, un beneficio y un problema. La frontera oriental colombiana
y occidental venezolana está afectada por corrupción y contrabando intensivo. El propósito de esta investigación
es analizar las percepciones de los habitantes fronterizos del estado Táchira (Venezuela) y Norte
de Santander (Colombia) sobre la conexión entre corrupción y contrabando. El estudio responde a un análisis
cuantitativo estadístico de regresión categórica con escalamiento óptimo, con encuestas semiestructuradas
aplicadas a dos muestras de tamaño independiente: n = 2.394 (Norte de Santander) y n = 1.398 (Táchira). Los
resultados evidencian cómo los altos índices de contrabando provienen de la cooperación entre funcionarios
y contrabandistas y permiten concluir, a través de variables explicativas, como en un primer modelo (Norte de Santander) predomina la percepción de la presencia de grupos irregulares como una dinámica fronteriza y
la convicción de unas relaciones de cooperación entre funcionarios de seguridad del Estado y comerciantes.
En el segundo modelo (Táchira), las percepciones evidencian la existencia de una excesiva burocracia de
los órganos de seguridad del Estado para controlar las mercancías de contrabando lo cual incrementa considerablemente
la corrupción con sobornos y relaciones de cooperación entre los agentes de seguridad y los
International borders are, for the country´s government, an advantage and a problem as well. The eastern Colombian and western Venezuelan border is affected by corruption and intensive smuggling. This research analyzes the perceptions of the border citizens in Táchira State (Venezuela) and Norte de Santander (Colombia) about connections between corruption and contraband. This study responds to a methodological and quantitative statistical analysis of categorical regression with optimal scaling, basically with semi-structured surveys applied to two samples of independent size: n = 2.394 (Norte de Santander) and n = 1.398 (Táchira). The results showed how the high rates of smuggle come from the collaboration between government agents and smugglers, which allows to conclude through explanatory variables how in this first model (Norte de Santander) the perception of the presence of irregular groups predominates as a border dynamic and the conviction of cooperative relations between state security officers and common merchants. In the second model (Tachira State) the perceptions shows up the existence of an excessive bureaucracy of the state security organs to control merchandise and smuggling which helps to increase considerably the corruption with bribes and the cooperative relationships between securities agents and smugglers.
International borders are, for the country´s government, an advantage and a problem as well. The eastern Colombian and western Venezuelan border is affected by corruption and intensive smuggling. This research analyzes the perceptions of the border citizens in Táchira State (Venezuela) and Norte de Santander (Colombia) about connections between corruption and contraband. This study responds to a methodological and quantitative statistical analysis of categorical regression with optimal scaling, basically with semi-structured surveys applied to two samples of independent size: n = 2.394 (Norte de Santander) and n = 1.398 (Táchira). The results showed how the high rates of smuggle come from the collaboration between government agents and smugglers, which allows to conclude through explanatory variables how in this first model (Norte de Santander) the perception of the presence of irregular groups predominates as a border dynamic and the conviction of cooperative relations between state security officers and common merchants. In the second model (Tachira State) the perceptions shows up the existence of an excessive bureaucracy of the state security organs to control merchandise and smuggling which helps to increase considerably the corruption with bribes and the cooperative relationships between securities agents and smugglers.
Palabras clave
Frontera, Corrupción, Contrabando, Venezuela, Colombia, Border, Corruption, Contraband