Límites de la comunidad LGBTIQ+ en el sur occidente de Barranquilla
Herrera Soraca, Tatiana
Polanco Ángel, Yesica Paola
Vergara Castro, Daniela Marcela
Bedoya Hernández, Luz Estella
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En Barranquilla, Colombia, la comunidad LGBTIQ+ ha enfrentado diversas formas de discriminación y exclusión social a lo largo de la historia. Estas situaciones han sido documentadas en diferente investigación realizada por distintas organizaciones y expertos en el tema. El informe resalta la necesidad de promover la inclusión y el respeto hacia las personas de la comunidad LGBTIQ+, garantizando el respeto de sus derechos y protegiéndolos de la discriminación.
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo determinar en qué escenario se presenta más la discriminación a los miembros de la comunidad LGBTIQ+ por eso se utilizó un método cuantitativo recolectando la información de 19 personas en donde incluía, miembros y no miembros de la comunidad LGBTIQ+
Una pesquisa para por lo cual pudimos identificar la realidad de la comunidad LGTBIQ+ en el suroccidente de Barranquilla basada en una herramienta de encuesta virtual donde pudimos descubrir tres aspectos como la discriminación de los miembros de la comunidad a la hora de buscar un empleo, en comunidades personas tienen un tipo de rechazo, de tabú hacia los miembros de la comunidad y un aspecto muy importante es si los derechos de esta comunidad no son preservados y respetados. La comunidad LGBTIQ+ en Barranquilla
Esta en un proceso De reconocimiento de sus derechos Propios Y de las entidades Gubernamental que están obligadas a preservarlos.
In Barranquilla, Colombia, the LGBTIQ+ community has faced various forms of discrimination and social exclusion throughout history. These situations have been documented in different research carried out by different organizations and experts on the subject. The report highlights the need to promote inclusion and respect for people from the LGBTIQ+ community, guaranteeing respect for their rights and protecting them from discrimination. The objective of this research is to determine in which scenario discrimination against members of the LGBTIQ+ community occurs, for this reason a quantitative method was used, collecting information from 19 people, which included members and non-members of the LGBTIQ+ community. An investigation for which we were able to identify the reality of the LGTBIQ+ community in the southwest of Barranquilla based on a virtual survey tool where we were able to discover three aspects such as discrimination of community members when looking for a job, in communities People have a type of rejection, of taboo towards the members of the community and a very important aspect is if the rights of this community are not preserved and respected. The LGBTIQ+ community in Barranquilla is in a process of recognition of their own rights and of the Government entities that are obliged to preserve them.
In Barranquilla, Colombia, the LGBTIQ+ community has faced various forms of discrimination and social exclusion throughout history. These situations have been documented in different research carried out by different organizations and experts on the subject. The report highlights the need to promote inclusion and respect for people from the LGBTIQ+ community, guaranteeing respect for their rights and protecting them from discrimination. The objective of this research is to determine in which scenario discrimination against members of the LGBTIQ+ community occurs, for this reason a quantitative method was used, collecting information from 19 people, which included members and non-members of the LGBTIQ+ community. An investigation for which we were able to identify the reality of the LGTBIQ+ community in the southwest of Barranquilla based on a virtual survey tool where we were able to discover three aspects such as discrimination of community members when looking for a job, in communities People have a type of rejection, of taboo towards the members of the community and a very important aspect is if the rights of this community are not preserved and respected. The LGBTIQ+ community in Barranquilla is in a process of recognition of their own rights and of the Government entities that are obliged to preserve them.
Palabras clave
LGBTIQ+, Discriminación, Derechos, Reconocimiento, Discrimination, Rights, Recognition