Antecedentes del teletrabajo en el derecho laboral colombiano: análisis pospandemia
Ribón Peña, Zojaira Melissa
Rodríguez Pallares, Luis Eduardo
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El teletrabajo, ha revolucionado inclusive las formas más organizadas de trabajo dentro de la sociedad. A pesar, que es un modelo de trabajo que venía poco a poco implementándose en el país, desde el 16 de marzo de 2020, adquirió una relevancia mayor en el marco de la emergencia sanitaria declarada por el gobierno nacional debido a la pandemia ocasionada por el Covid-19.
Colombia ha venido regulando el tema a través de la promulgación de la Ley de Teletrabajo en el 2008, en el 2015 con el Decreto Único Reglamentario (DUR) del sector trabajo y en el 2022 con el Decreto 1227 del 18 de julio, que modifica algunos artículos sobre el teletrabajo en el DUR.
Durante la emergencia sanitaria, escaló una gran preocupación por parte de los empleados, pues mantener su vínculo laboral en medio de una pandemia, era algo incierto, por lo que el gran reto de la pandemia fue adaptar nuestras vidas a nuevas
condiciones y rutinas antes desconocidas y poder integrar nuevas formas de trabajo que impidieran el colapso de la economía en los hogares colombianos.
No existe en la actualidad un antecedente frente a una emergencia sanitaria, el cual hubiese permitido seguir una ruta para hacer valer los derechos adquiridos, de esta forma lo vivido a nivel global, fue la ventana para regular los aspectos del teletrabajo que habían sido dejado de lado.
Telecommuting, has revolutionized even the most organized forms of work within society. Although it is a model of work that was gradually being implemented in the country, since March 16, 2020, acquired greater relevance in the context of the health emergency declared by the national government due to the pandemic caused by the Covid-19. Colombia has been regulating the issue through the enactment of the Telework Law in 2008, in 2015 with the Sole Regulatory Decree (DUR) of the labor sector and in 2022 with Decree 1227 of July 18, which modifies some articles on telework in the DUR. During the health emergency, there was a great concern on the part of the employees, since maintaining their labor link in the middle of a pandemic was something uncertain, so the great challenge of the pandemic was to adapt our lives to new conditions and routines previously unknown and to be able to integrate new forms of work that would prevent the collapse of the economy in Colombian households. There is currently no precedent in the face of a health emergency, which would have allowed to follow a route to enforce the acquired rights, in this way what was experienced globally, was the window to regulate aspects of teleworking that had been left aside.
Telecommuting, has revolutionized even the most organized forms of work within society. Although it is a model of work that was gradually being implemented in the country, since March 16, 2020, acquired greater relevance in the context of the health emergency declared by the national government due to the pandemic caused by the Covid-19. Colombia has been regulating the issue through the enactment of the Telework Law in 2008, in 2015 with the Sole Regulatory Decree (DUR) of the labor sector and in 2022 with Decree 1227 of July 18, which modifies some articles on telework in the DUR. During the health emergency, there was a great concern on the part of the employees, since maintaining their labor link in the middle of a pandemic was something uncertain, so the great challenge of the pandemic was to adapt our lives to new conditions and routines previously unknown and to be able to integrate new forms of work that would prevent the collapse of the economy in Colombian households. There is currently no precedent in the face of a health emergency, which would have allowed to follow a route to enforce the acquired rights, in this way what was experienced globally, was the window to regulate aspects of teleworking that had been left aside.
Palabras clave
Teletrabajo, Derecho laboral, Seguridad social, Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, Antecedentes normativos, Telework, Labor law, Social security, Occupational safety and health, Regulatory background