Análisis descriptivo del proyecto de vida y asesoría educativa (orientación vocacional) en las adolescentes del grado 11-01: caso del Colegio Gremios Unidos en la Comuna 8
Charry Manrique, Paula Stefania
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Este estudio identifica obstáculos persistentes que enfrentan las
adolescentes de bajos recursos del colegio Gremios Unidos, grado 11, en Cúcuta,
Colombia. Con un futuro incierto y sin orientación vocacional, estas jóvenes,
mayoritariamente de estratos 1 y 2, culminan su escolaridad sin guía profesional y
con escaso apoyo económico familiar para continuar a la universidad. A menudo se
espera que contribuyan económicamente en casa, limitando su educación superior.
Además, la falta de educación en sexualidad y derechos reproductivos aumenta el
riesgo de embarazos tempranos y enfermedades de transmisión sexual.
Persisten desigualdades de género en el desarrollo social, arraigadas en
patrones culturales y expectativas familiares, que limitan las oportunidades de las
mujeres. Sin un proyecto de vida claro al concluir la educación media, las
adolescentes pueden tomar decisiones perjudiciales para su futuro, a menudo
influenciadas por otros.
El desarrollo de proyectos de vida es crucial para el progreso personal,
ofreciendo a las jóvenes la posibilidad de establecer metas realistas y alcanzar un
bienestar socioemocional. Una orientación adecuada en esta etapa crítica puede
fomentar la independencia y la superación de limitaciones ambientales. Esto no solo
beneficia a la individua, sino que también sienta precedentes para futuras
generaciones y mejora la calidad de vida en su contexto familiar y social. Enfocarse
en un proyecto de vida puede cambiar radicalmente la perspectiva de una joven y
tener un impacto duradero en su comunidad
This study highlights the enduring barriers faced by low-income high school senior girls at Gremios Unidos school in Cúcuta, Colombia. They are poised on the brink of an uncertain future without vocational guidance. Predominantly from socio-economic levels 1 and 2, these young women finish their schooling without professional orientation or sufficient familial financial support to pursue university education. They are often expected to start working immediately to support their household, impeding their pursuit of higher education. Additionally, a lack of education in sexuality and reproductive rights leads to higher risks of early pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Gender disparities in social development persist, deeply rooted in cultural patterns and family expectations that curtail women's opportunities. Lacking a clear life plan upon finishing high school, these adolescents may make detrimental decisions affecting their future, often swayed by others' choices. Life project development is essential for personal growth, allowing individuals to set realistic goals and achieve socio-emotional well-being. Proper guidance at this pivotal stage can promote independence and the ability to overcome environmental limitations. This empowerment not only benefits the individual but also sets a precedent for future generations, enhancing the quality of life within their family and social context. Focusing on a life project can fundamentally alter a young woman's worldview and have a lasting positive impact on her community.
This study highlights the enduring barriers faced by low-income high school senior girls at Gremios Unidos school in Cúcuta, Colombia. They are poised on the brink of an uncertain future without vocational guidance. Predominantly from socio-economic levels 1 and 2, these young women finish their schooling without professional orientation or sufficient familial financial support to pursue university education. They are often expected to start working immediately to support their household, impeding their pursuit of higher education. Additionally, a lack of education in sexuality and reproductive rights leads to higher risks of early pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Gender disparities in social development persist, deeply rooted in cultural patterns and family expectations that curtail women's opportunities. Lacking a clear life plan upon finishing high school, these adolescents may make detrimental decisions affecting their future, often swayed by others' choices. Life project development is essential for personal growth, allowing individuals to set realistic goals and achieve socio-emotional well-being. Proper guidance at this pivotal stage can promote independence and the ability to overcome environmental limitations. This empowerment not only benefits the individual but also sets a precedent for future generations, enhancing the quality of life within their family and social context. Focusing on a life project can fundamentally alter a young woman's worldview and have a lasting positive impact on her community.
Palabras clave
Proyecto de vida, Orientación vocacional, Niñas adolescentes, Life project, Vocational guidance, Adolescent girls