The war → the women → their bodies : researches and experiences on Africa, America, Asia and Europe. | Fernández Matos, Dhayana Carolina | | | Pattaro Amaral, Fernanda | | | Kaur, Harsimran | | | Bartholini, Ignazia | | | Hakim-Keller, Irit | | | González Martínez, María Nohemí | | | Ndabuli Teophile, Mugisho | | | Khanam, Rozina | | | Bahati, Valerie | | | Mbongdulo, Zoneziwoh | | | Ramírez Salgado, Raquel | | | 2017-08-30T21:27:50Z | | | 2017-08-30T21:27:50Z | | | 2016-05-01 | |
dc.description.abstract | Nowadays, women are being used as human weapons in current political and economic conflicts. From this perspective, this book includes several empirical and theoretical tools to analyze this problem and ultimately contribute to a change, which would make women become key actors in peace building process. In order to show how gender violence currently affects women´s lives, it presents contrasted cases where experiences of women in conflicts and wars can be considered as the tip of the iceberg of an existing patriarchal system in our societies. Thus, this book will allow the reader to develop a deeper understanding of how gender violence goes beyond difererent geographical, social and political realities as they all share the gender inequality. | eng |
dc.identifier.isbn | 9789588930466 | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | eng | eng |
dc.publisher | Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar | spa |
dc.subject | Guerra | spa |
dc.subject | Luchas sociales | spa |
dc.subject | Mujeres | spa |
dc.subject | Conflictos culturales | spa |
dc.subject | Solución de conflictos | spa |
dc.subject | Problemas sociales | spa |
dc.subject | Paz | spa |
dc.title | The war → the women → their bodies : researches and experiences on Africa, America, Asia and Europe. | eng |
dc.type | Book | spa |
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