Influencia del ambiente laboral en la productividad de los colaboradores en una empresa bananera del departamento del Magdalena
Peña Cervantes, Lizethy María
Rodríguez Palacio, Valentina Vanessa
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Para empezar, pudimos ubicar en ambiente laboral los siguientes:
- Investigación de Pilar Ortiz Serrano y Lirios Cruz García, titulada “Estudio sobre ambiente y satisfacción laboral en una Comercializadora Comercial Mexicana”
- Paola Fernanda Forero González, Jhon Jairo Correa Sánchez y Víctor Alejandro Pazmiño vallejo, Titulada “análisis del clima laboral y su impacto en la productividad de los empleados del restaurante el sabor paisita de la ciudad de Armenia (Quindìo,Colombia)”,
Por otro lado en productividad ubicamos las siguientes:
- Katleen Ana Carem Ochoa Calderón en su tesis de grado “Motivación y productividad laboral”
- Jader Andres Bastidas Pertuz, Luis Miguel Jimenez Pertuz y Paola Andrea Vanegas Esquivel en su proyecto con opción de grado “Influencia del clima organizacional en la productividad laboral de la empresa Toronto de Colombia Ltda”.
Objetivo general: Analizar cómo afecta ambiente laboral en la productividad de los colaboradores en una empresa bananera del departamento del Magdalena.
To begin with, we were able to locate the following in the work environment: - Research by Pilar Ortiz Serrano and Lirios Cruz García, entitled "Study on the environment and job satisfaction in a Mexican Commercial Marketing Company" - Paola Fernanda Forero González, Jhon Jairo Correa Sánchez y Víctor Alejandro Pazmiño vallejo, Titled “analysis of the work environment and its impact on the productivity of the employees of the restaurant the country flavor of the city of Armenia (Quindìo, Colombia) " On the other hand, in productivity we find the following: - Katleen Ana Carem Ochoa Calderón in his degree thesis "Motivation and labor productivity" - Jader Andres Bastidas Pertuz, Luis Miguel Jimenez Pertuz y Paola Andrea Vanegas Esquivel in his project with the option of degree "Influence of the organizational climate in the labor productivity of the company Toronto de Colombia Ltda". General objective: Analyze how the work environment affects the productivity of employees in a banana company in the department of Magdalena.
To begin with, we were able to locate the following in the work environment: - Research by Pilar Ortiz Serrano and Lirios Cruz García, entitled "Study on the environment and job satisfaction in a Mexican Commercial Marketing Company" - Paola Fernanda Forero González, Jhon Jairo Correa Sánchez y Víctor Alejandro Pazmiño vallejo, Titled “analysis of the work environment and its impact on the productivity of the employees of the restaurant the country flavor of the city of Armenia (Quindìo, Colombia) " On the other hand, in productivity we find the following: - Katleen Ana Carem Ochoa Calderón in his degree thesis "Motivation and labor productivity" - Jader Andres Bastidas Pertuz, Luis Miguel Jimenez Pertuz y Paola Andrea Vanegas Esquivel in his project with the option of degree "Influence of the organizational climate in the labor productivity of the company Toronto de Colombia Ltda". General objective: Analyze how the work environment affects the productivity of employees in a banana company in the department of Magdalena.
Palabras clave
Productividad, Clima organizacional, Entorno laboral, Resultados, Trabajo, Mejoramiento, Resultados, Autores, Encuesta, Productivity, Organizational climate, Work environment, Results, Work, Improvement, Authors, Survey