Los derechos humanos y la educación preventiva implementada por los gobiernos latinoamericanos en la pandemia el COVID-19
Barcasnegras Padilla, Jaime
Benavides Moreno, Zamir
Castañez Villafañe, Nadis
Rangel Anaya, Miguel
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Actualmente el mundo se enfrenta a una emergencia sanitaria global sin precedentes ocasionada
por la pandemia del virus que causa el COVID-19, procedente del continente asiático, más
exactamente del país de China. Es muy importante resaltar que ante la emergencia las medidas
adoptadas por los Estados en la atención y contención del virus deben tener como centro el
pleno respeto de los derechos humanos. En esta investigación, tomamos la Declaración
Universal De Derechos Humanos como base de un ideal común por el que todos los pueblos
y naciones deben esforzarse, a fin de que tanto los individuos como las instituciones,
inspirándose constantemente en ella, promuevan, mediante la enseñanza y la educación, el
respeto a estos derechos y libertades, y aseguren, por medidas progresivas de carácter nacional
e internacional, su reconocimiento y aplicación universales y efectivos, tanto entre los pueblos
de los Estados Miembros como entre los de los territorios colocados bajo su jurisdicción. Ahora
bien esta pandemia del COVID-19, ha ocasionado muchos impactos sobre todos en los derechos
humanos de la población, pero más aún de los sectores vulnerables de toda América Latina,
estos impactos se difieren a los diversos contextos ocasionados por la pandemia, especialmente
en relación al derecho a la vida, la salud e integridad personal, y por supuesto el derecho al
trabajo, a la seguridad social, a la educación, a la alimentación, al agua y a la vivienda digna,
estos se ven seriamente afectados. Es importante anotar que los efectos de la crisis del COVID-19 en la región de América Latina y el Caribe se han concentrado en la esfera económica, debido
a que las medidas de contención necesarias para combatir al COVID-19 han generado una crisis
económica global sin precedentes, combinando efectos tanto en la oferta como en la demanda.
Es por lo anterior que este trabajo tiene como objetivo de este documento es analizar cuál ha
sido la Educación Preventiva Implementada por los Gobiernos Latinoamericanos en la
Pandemia El COVID–19 para mantener los derechos humanos de la población. Esta
investigación se orienta bajo el Paradigma Cualitativo. El método de investigación que se
utilizará es mixto, analítico - deductivo, en tanto es dialéctico por cuanto se parte del estudio
de los hechos y fenómenos concretos (para determinar la aplicación de los derechos
fundamentales en la población de América Latina.
The world is currently facing an unprecedented global health emergency caused by the pandemic of the virus that causes COVID-19, coming from the Asian continent, more precisely from the country of China. It is very important to emphasize that in the face of the emergency, the measures adopted by the States in the care and containment of the virus must have as a center the full respect of human rights. In this research, we take the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the basis of a common ideal for which all peoples and nations should strive, so that both individuals and institutions, constantly inspired by it, promote, through teaching and education, respect for these rights and freedoms, and ensure, through progressive national and international measures, their universal and effective recognition and application, both among the peoples of the Member States and among those of the territories placed under their jurisdiction. Now this COVID-19 pandemic has caused many impacts on all of the human rights of the population, but even more so on the vulnerable sectors of all Latin America, these impacts differ in the various contexts caused by the pandemic, especially in Regarding the right to life, health and personal integrity, and of course the right to work, social security, education, food, water and decent housing, these are seriously affected. It is important to note that the effects of the COVID-19 crisis in the Latin American and Caribbean region have been concentrated in the economic sphere, because the containment measures necessary to combat COVID-19 have generated a global economic crisis unprecedented, combining effects on both supply and demand. It is for the above reasons that the objective of this document is to analyze the Preventive Education Implemented by Latin American Governments in the COVID-19 Pandemic to maintain the human rights of the population. This research is oriented under the Qualitative Paradigm. The research method that will be used is mixed, analytical - deductive, inasmuch as it is dialectical inasmuch as it starts from the study of concrete facts and phenomena (to determine the application of fundamental rights in the population of Latin America.
The world is currently facing an unprecedented global health emergency caused by the pandemic of the virus that causes COVID-19, coming from the Asian continent, more precisely from the country of China. It is very important to emphasize that in the face of the emergency, the measures adopted by the States in the care and containment of the virus must have as a center the full respect of human rights. In this research, we take the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the basis of a common ideal for which all peoples and nations should strive, so that both individuals and institutions, constantly inspired by it, promote, through teaching and education, respect for these rights and freedoms, and ensure, through progressive national and international measures, their universal and effective recognition and application, both among the peoples of the Member States and among those of the territories placed under their jurisdiction. Now this COVID-19 pandemic has caused many impacts on all of the human rights of the population, but even more so on the vulnerable sectors of all Latin America, these impacts differ in the various contexts caused by the pandemic, especially in Regarding the right to life, health and personal integrity, and of course the right to work, social security, education, food, water and decent housing, these are seriously affected. It is important to note that the effects of the COVID-19 crisis in the Latin American and Caribbean region have been concentrated in the economic sphere, because the containment measures necessary to combat COVID-19 have generated a global economic crisis unprecedented, combining effects on both supply and demand. It is for the above reasons that the objective of this document is to analyze the Preventive Education Implemented by Latin American Governments in the COVID-19 Pandemic to maintain the human rights of the population. This research is oriented under the Qualitative Paradigm. The research method that will be used is mixed, analytical - deductive, inasmuch as it is dialectical inasmuch as it starts from the study of concrete facts and phenomena (to determine the application of fundamental rights in the population of Latin America.
Palabras clave
Derechos humanos, Pandemia, COVID-19, América latina, Human rights, Pandemic, Latin America