Síndrome de Burnout, calidad de sueño y síntomas osteomusculares de trabajadores de la región Caribe colombiana
Torregroza Ruiz, Lizeth
Carrillo Ahumada, Sandra Milena
Carrillo Ahumada, Jorge Luis
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Objetivo: Determinar las características de Burnout, los niveles del sueño y los
síntomas osteomusculares en los trabajadores de la Región Caribe Colombiana.
Materiales y métodos: Esta investigación adoptó un enfoque cuantitativo con
diseño descriptivo transversal, evaluando las características del síndrome de
Burnout, la calidad del sueño y los síntomas osteomusculares en trabajadores de la
Región Caribe Colombiana en un único momento temporal. La muestra estuvo
compuesta por 69 trabajadores de tres empresas del sector salud, contando con la
autorización del personal directivo y del departamento de recursos humanos. Para
la recolección de información, se utilizaron tres instrumentos validados: El Maslach
Burnout Inventory (MBI), que evalúa tres dimensiones del síndrome de Burnout:
agotamiento emocional, despersonalización y realización personal. El Índice de
Calidad del Sueño de Pittsburgh, que mide siete componentes del sueño: calidad
subjetiva, latencia, duración, eficiencia habitual, alteraciones, uso de medicación
hipnótica y disfunción diurna y el Cuestionario Nórdico de Kuorinka, que identifica
síntomas musculoesqueléticos en nueve regiones corporales. El análisis de datos
se realizó con el programa estadístico SPSS versión 25 (Licencia de la Universidad
Simón Bolívar). Se empleó estadística descriptiva para determinar frecuencias y
porcentajes, y estadística inferencial, utilizando la prueba de chi-cuadrado de
Pearson para examinar posibles relaciones entre variables. Los resultados fueron
sometidos a procedimientos de validación y fiabilidad para garantizar su precisión,
y se presentaron de manera clara en tablas.
Objective: Determine the characteristics of Burnout, sleep levels and musculoskeletal symptoms in workers in the Colombian Caribbean Region. Materials and methods: This research adopted a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional descriptive design, evaluating the characteristics of Burnout syndrome, sleep quality and musculoskeletal symptoms in workers from the Colombian Caribbean Region at a single time point. The sample was made up of 69 workers from three companies in the health sector, with the authorization of management personnel and the human resources department. To collect information, three validated instruments were used: The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), which evaluates three dimensions of Burnout syndrome: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, which measures seven components of sleep: subjective quality, latency, duration, habitual efficiency, disturbances, use of hypnotic medication, and daytime dysfunction, and the Nordic Kuorinka Questionnaire, which identifies musculoskeletal symptoms in nine body regions. Data analysis was carried out with the statistical program SPSS version 25 (License from the Simón Bolívar University). Descriptive statistics were used to determine frequencies and percentages, and inferential statistics, using Pearson's chi-square test to examine possible relationships between variables. The results were subjected to validation and reliability procedures to ensure accuracy and were clearly presented in tables.
Objective: Determine the characteristics of Burnout, sleep levels and musculoskeletal symptoms in workers in the Colombian Caribbean Region. Materials and methods: This research adopted a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional descriptive design, evaluating the characteristics of Burnout syndrome, sleep quality and musculoskeletal symptoms in workers from the Colombian Caribbean Region at a single time point. The sample was made up of 69 workers from three companies in the health sector, with the authorization of management personnel and the human resources department. To collect information, three validated instruments were used: The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), which evaluates three dimensions of Burnout syndrome: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, which measures seven components of sleep: subjective quality, latency, duration, habitual efficiency, disturbances, use of hypnotic medication, and daytime dysfunction, and the Nordic Kuorinka Questionnaire, which identifies musculoskeletal symptoms in nine body regions. Data analysis was carried out with the statistical program SPSS version 25 (License from the Simón Bolívar University). Descriptive statistics were used to determine frequencies and percentages, and inferential statistics, using Pearson's chi-square test to examine possible relationships between variables. The results were subjected to validation and reliability procedures to ensure accuracy and were clearly presented in tables.
Palabras clave
Estrés laboral, Trastornos de sueño, Salud laboral, Trabajadores