Kidney health in Colombian indigenous communities: are we doing enough?
datacite.rights | | eng |
dc.contributor.advisor | Aroca-Martínez, Gustavo | | | Cadena-Bonfanti, Andrés | | | Ardila-Cárdenas, María E. | | | Gonzáles-Torres, Henry J. | | | Luna-González, María L. | | | Espítaleta-Vergara, Zilac | | | Ángel, Santos | | | Conde, Carlos | | | Echeverry, Sandra | | | Anaya, Marco | | | Mercado, Álvaro | | | Charris, Amalfi | | | Torres, Jaime | | | Montejo, Juan Diego | | | Rojas, Mirian | | | Nieto-González, Iván | | | Ballesteros, David | | | Ramírez, Roberto | | | Garcia, Enrique | | | Builes, Sheila | | | Carvajal, Alberto | | | Barros, Luis | | | Baquero, Richard | | | Henao, Carlos Mario | | | Lopera, Jhon | | | Soto, Andrés | | | Acosta, Claudia | | | Sánchez Garcia, Melany Margarita | | | Buitrago, Cristóbal | | | Puche-Martínez, Efraín | | | Soto, Manuel | | | Ramírez-Pérez, Roger | | | De La Espriella-Badel, Víctor | | | Angulo, Milena | | | Coronado, Jorge | | | Puello, Luis | | | Daza, Rodrigo | | | Alfaro, Mercedes | | | Roncayo, Angélica | | | Hernadez, Andrés | | | Alcocer, Carlos | | | Ahumada, Gustavo | | | Morón, Javier | | | Aguirre, Marcelo | | | Domínguez-Vargas, Alex | | | V. Perez, Rafael | | | Peña Vargas, William | | | Cotes-Araujo, Luis | | | Hernández-Agudelo, Sandra | | | Peña, Zuleima | | | Coronel Montenegro, Carlos | | | Castro-Ahumada, Eddie | | | Isaza, Rafael | | | Alejandra Montoya, Jennifer | | | Martínez-Bayona, Álvaro | | | Vélez-Verbel, María | | | Correa-Monterrosa, Mileidys | | | 2021-07-17T11:35:52Z | | | 2021-07-17T11:35:52Z | | | 2020 | |
dc.description.abstract | Objetivo: Caracterizar los factores asociados a la salud renal en las comunidades indígenas colombianas. Materiales y Métodos: En el marco del día mundial del riñón, se realizó un estudio observacional en la población indígena colombiana, se tomaron datos de 16 etnias. Mayores de 18 años. Se realizó una encuesta de salud renal y se midieron los valores de tensión arterial, glucosa en sangre, hematuria y proteinuria. Se realizó un sumario estadístico y se evaluó la asociación entre variables mediante χ². Resultados: La población estudiada fue de 1.177 indígenas (figura 1). El 49.8% fueron hombres con edad de 43±17 años. En cuanto a la educación, 34,5% manifestaron no tener estudios. El 39% de la población tenía sobrepeso y 16% obesidad, asociándose a las mujeres (p=0,0003). 1,4% había sido diagnosticado con diabetes; 1,7% no recordó. Referente a la hipertensión arterial (HTA) 10,4% tenía diagnóstico, de estos 35% no tenía tratamiento; 40% de quienes no tenían HTA, tuvo cifras tensionales >130/85mmHg. Se encontró proteinuria en 8,8% y hematuria en 4,2%. Aunque 94,1% pertenecían al SGSSS, sin embargo, el 52,6% considero difícil o muy difícil acceder al servicio, y un tercio no había tenido revisión médica en los dos últimos años. Se encontró una asociación multivariada entre el sexo, factores de riesgo y el acceso a salud. Siendo “Difícil” o “Muy difícil” acceder a servicio médico para las mujeres que vivían en zonas rurales e hipertensas se asociaron significativamente a zonas rurales, sexo femenino e hipertensión. Conclusión: La incidencia de ERC es 1,5 veces mayor en minorías étnicas de países desarrollados, cuyos principales factores de riesgo son HTA y diabetes, en nuestra población se suma la pobreza que influye al acceso de servicios de salud. | spa |
dc.description.abstract | Objective: Characterize the factors associated to renal health in Colombian indigenous communities. Materials and methods: within the framework of World Kidney Day, an observational study was conducted in the Colombian indigenous population. 16 ethnicities were evaluated, with population over 18 years. A renal health survey was conducted and blood pressure, blood glucose, hematuria and proteinuria values were measured. A statistical summary was made and the association between variables was evaluated using χ². Results: The population studied was made up of 1,177 people (Figure 1). 49.8% were men aged between 43±17 years. As for education, 34.5% said they had no studies. 39% of the population was overweight and 16% obese, associated to women (p=0.0003). 1.4% had been diagnosed with diabetes; 1.7% did not remember. Regarding hypertension 10.4% had been diagnosed, of these 35% had no treatment, 40% of those who said they had no hypertension had blood pressure >130/85 mmHg. Proteinuria was found in 8.8% and hematuria in 4.2%. Although 94.1% belonged to the SGSSS 52.2% considered it was difficult or very difficult to access the health service, and a third had not had medical check-up in the last two years. A multivariate association was found between sex, risk factors and access to health. Being “difficult” or “very difficult” to access medical service for women living in rural areas and hypertensive, they were significantly associated with rural areas, female sex and hypertension. Conclusion: the CKD incidence is 1.5 times higher in ethnic minorities in developed countries, whose main risk factors are hypertension and diabetes, in our population the poverty that influences access to health services is added. | eng |
dc.format.mimetype | spa | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | eng | eng |
dc.publisher | Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar | spa |
dc.publisher | Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud | spa |
dc.rights | Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional | eng |
dc.rights.accessrights | info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess | eng |
dc.rights.uri | | |
dc.subject | Enfermedad renal | spa |
dc.subject | Comunidades indígenas | spa |
dc.subject | Salud renal | spa |
dc.subject | Prevención | spa |
dc.subject | Kidney disease | eng |
dc.subject | Indigenous communities | eng |
dc.subject | Renal health | eng |
dc.subject | Prevention | eng |
dc.title | Kidney health in Colombian indigenous communities: are we doing enough? | eng |
dc.type.driver | info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis | eng | | Trabajo de grado - pregrado | spa |
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oaire.version | info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersion | eng |
sb.programa | Medicina | spa |
sb.sede | Sede Barranquilla | spa |