Modelo de comunicación estratégica para el sistema inteligente de transporte público colectivo (SIBUS) de Barranquilla y su área Metropolitana
Santander Vásquez, Mónica Esther
Ramos Alfaro, Jhonatan
Olmos Cervantes, Milagros Mercedes
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
La finalidad de esta investigación fue proponer un modelo de comunicación estratégica para el proyecto Sistema Inteligente de Transporte Público Colectivo para la ciudad de Barranquilla y su área metropolitana en el Departamento del Atlántico, en Colombia. La estructura del modelo integra a sus actores clave, socializa los objetivos y beneficios del proyecto logrando una mayor aceptación y desarrollo. Su propuesta implicó un diagnóstico del estado comunicacional del proyecto entre sus stakeholders como son: usuarios del transporte público colectivo de la ciudad, conductores, gerentes de las empresas transportadoras asociadas a través de los dos operadores del SIBUS y periodistas económicos que cubren la fuente transporte público. Los resultados del diagnóstico realizado a través de la aplicación de instrumentos cuantitativos, enfocados en la variable comunicación estratégica y sus dimensiones Estado Comunicacional, Diálogo Comunicativo (mensajes), Medios de Comunicación e Información y Estructura Comunicativa, permitieron ajustar el modelo a la realidad cultural y de necesidades comunicativas y organizacionales de sus actores clave. El modelo tomó como base la teoría de comunicación estratégica de Scheisohn (2010) la de modelo comunicativo de Massoni (2011), así como los autores Dixon (2021), González et al. (2019), Aguirre (2016) y Grunig (1984), con respecto a diálogo comunicativo, medios informativos y estructura comunicacional respectivamente. El enfoque epistemológico de esta investigación fue cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo propositivo, no experimental, transversal y Univariado. El modelo de comunicación estratégica propuesto para el SIBUS aporta una estructura comunicativa organizada, coherente y con indicadores medibles, que permite a los líderes del proyecto, tener una guía clara de públicos, medios, mensajes y estrategias para hacerlo efectivo, lo que supone resultados exitosos en la gestión del proyecto, siendo la comunicación con la ciudadanía, pilar clave de un proyecto de carácter público y general como lo es el del transporte.
The following investigation aims to propose a strategic communication model for the project, “Intelligent Collective Public Transportation System for Barranquilla and its metropolitan area in the Department of Atlántico, Colombia”. The main object of the structure of the model is to integrate the key factors, socialize the objectives and the benefits of the project achieving a higher acceptance rate and improving its development. The proposal of the model implied doing a diagnosis of the communication status of the project between its key factors (stakeholders) which are: users of the city´s public transportation, drivers, managers of the associated transportation companies through both operators of the SIBUS and economic journalists who cover the public transportation source. The results of the diagnosis, made through the application of quantitative instruments, focused on the strategic communication variable and its dimensions of communication states, communicative dialogue (messages), media and information and communicative structure, allowed to focus the model to the cultural reality and the communication and organizational needs of their key factors. Therefore, this led to the main objective of integrating the stakeholders and to socializing the benefits of the project SIBUS. The proposed model is based on Scheisohn strategic communication theory (2010), also based on Massoni´s communication theory (2011) from authors Dixon (2021), Aguirre (2016), González et al. (2019) and Grunig (1984), having to do with communicative dialogue, information media and communication structure respectively. The epistemological approach of this research was quantitative, descriptive, propositional, non-experimental and transversal and Uni-variate. The strategic communication model that was proposed for SIBUS provides an organized, coherent communication structure with measurable indicators, which allows project leaders to have a clear guide of audiences, media, messages, and strategies to make it effective, which means successful results in project management, communication with citizens being a key pillar of a public and general project such as transportation.
The following investigation aims to propose a strategic communication model for the project, “Intelligent Collective Public Transportation System for Barranquilla and its metropolitan area in the Department of Atlántico, Colombia”. The main object of the structure of the model is to integrate the key factors, socialize the objectives and the benefits of the project achieving a higher acceptance rate and improving its development. The proposal of the model implied doing a diagnosis of the communication status of the project between its key factors (stakeholders) which are: users of the city´s public transportation, drivers, managers of the associated transportation companies through both operators of the SIBUS and economic journalists who cover the public transportation source. The results of the diagnosis, made through the application of quantitative instruments, focused on the strategic communication variable and its dimensions of communication states, communicative dialogue (messages), media and information and communicative structure, allowed to focus the model to the cultural reality and the communication and organizational needs of their key factors. Therefore, this led to the main objective of integrating the stakeholders and to socializing the benefits of the project SIBUS. The proposed model is based on Scheisohn strategic communication theory (2010), also based on Massoni´s communication theory (2011) from authors Dixon (2021), Aguirre (2016), González et al. (2019) and Grunig (1984), having to do with communicative dialogue, information media and communication structure respectively. The epistemological approach of this research was quantitative, descriptive, propositional, non-experimental and transversal and Uni-variate. The strategic communication model that was proposed for SIBUS provides an organized, coherent communication structure with measurable indicators, which allows project leaders to have a clear guide of audiences, media, messages, and strategies to make it effective, which means successful results in project management, communication with citizens being a key pillar of a public and general project such as transportation.
Palabras clave
Comunicación estratégica, Diálogo comunicativo, SIBUS, Medios de comunicación, Movilidad, Transporte, Strategic communication, Communicative dialogue, Media, Mobility, Transportation