Política ambiental y empresas sociales: Alternativas para el abordaje de la contaminación en la Ciénaga de Mallorquín – Barranquilla
Salebe Bello, Ernesto
Ricardo Chamorro, Karen
Zambrano Mendez, Cindy
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
La investigación tuvo como objetivo “Analizar la implementación de la política ambiental para
la conformación y gestión de empresas sociales como alternativa para el abordaje de la
contaminación en la Ciénaga de Mallorquín en el Barrio Las Flores del Distrito Barranquilla –
Colombia”. Estuvo enmarcada metodológicamente bajo el enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo
descriptiva, de campo y documental, con un diseño no experimental, transeccional, se empleó un
censo poblacional conformado por siete expertos, a quienes se les aplicó un instrumento
altamente estructurado, de cuyo análisis estadístico y resultados se pudo conocer que el Estado
colombiano, cuenta con un conjunto de normativas (leyes, reglamentos, decretos, resoluciones y
demás instrumentos jurídicos), establecidas a nivel nacional, departamental y distrital, que parten
de la Constitución Política de Colombia de 1991; la existencia de una “Red de Agentes”,
lideradas por el Sistema Nacional de Ambiente, encargadas de desarrollar la política ambiental
para la preservación y protección de los diferentes ecosistemas en el territorio nacional; la
existencia de diversos programas en cuyas acciones no se ha alcanzado el impacto y eficiencia
necesarios, puesto que el deterioro ambiental persiste en los ecosistemas que presentan agentes
contaminantes en agua, aire y suelo. Asimismo, se evidenciaron diferentes aspectos sociocomunitarios e institucionales vinculados a la preservación y protección ambiental presentes en
el Barrio Las Flores y la Ciénaga de Mallorquín (ecológicos, sociales, políticos, institucionales,
ideológicos, culturales, educativos, y económicos) que deben ser fortalecidos para promover una
cultura ambiental, así como la participación ciudadana en el desarrollo de estrategias que
permitan la intervención o búsqueda de soluciones a los problemas que les afectan. Es por ello,
que se formula una propuesta fundamentada en los emprendimientos y las empresas sociales con
la participación ciudadana, que permitan generar alternativas, estrategias y acciones que
fortalezca una cultura ambiental y el desarrollo sostenible en esta comunidad.
The objective of the research was to “Analyze the implementation of the environmental policy for the formulation and management of social enterprises as an alternative for addressing pollution in the Ciénaga of Mallorquín in the Las Flores neighborhood of the Barranquilla District - Colombia”. It was methodologically framed under the quantitative, descriptive, field and documentary approach, with a non-experimental, transectional design, a population census consisting of seven experts was used, to whom a highly structured instrument was applied, whose statistical analysis and The results showed that the Colombian State has a set of regulations (laws, regulations, decrees, resolutions and other legal instruments), established at the national, departmental and district levels, which start from the Political Constitution of Colombia of 1991; the existence of a “Network of Agents”, led by the National Environment System, in charge of developing the environmental policy for the preservation and protection of the different ecosystems in the national territory; the existence of various programs whose actions have not reached the necessary impact and efficiency, since environmental deterioration persists in ecosystems that have pollutants in water, air and soil. Likewise, different sociocommunity and institutional aspects related to the preservation and environmental protection present in the Las Flores neighborhood and the Cienaga de Mallorquín (ecological, social, political, institutional, ideological, cultural, educational, and economic) were evidenced. strengthened to promote an environmental culture, as well as citizen participation in the development of strategies that allow the intervention or search for solutions to the problems that affect them. That is why, a proposal based on social enterprises, and entrepreneurship with citizen participation is formulated, which allows for the generation of alternatives, strategies and actions that strengthen an environmental culture and sustainable development in this community
The objective of the research was to “Analyze the implementation of the environmental policy for the formulation and management of social enterprises as an alternative for addressing pollution in the Ciénaga of Mallorquín in the Las Flores neighborhood of the Barranquilla District - Colombia”. It was methodologically framed under the quantitative, descriptive, field and documentary approach, with a non-experimental, transectional design, a population census consisting of seven experts was used, to whom a highly structured instrument was applied, whose statistical analysis and The results showed that the Colombian State has a set of regulations (laws, regulations, decrees, resolutions and other legal instruments), established at the national, departmental and district levels, which start from the Political Constitution of Colombia of 1991; the existence of a “Network of Agents”, led by the National Environment System, in charge of developing the environmental policy for the preservation and protection of the different ecosystems in the national territory; the existence of various programs whose actions have not reached the necessary impact and efficiency, since environmental deterioration persists in ecosystems that have pollutants in water, air and soil. Likewise, different sociocommunity and institutional aspects related to the preservation and environmental protection present in the Las Flores neighborhood and the Cienaga de Mallorquín (ecological, social, political, institutional, ideological, cultural, educational, and economic) were evidenced. strengthened to promote an environmental culture, as well as citizen participation in the development of strategies that allow the intervention or search for solutions to the problems that affect them. That is why, a proposal based on social enterprises, and entrepreneurship with citizen participation is formulated, which allows for the generation of alternatives, strategies and actions that strengthen an environmental culture and sustainable development in this community
Palabras clave
Empresas sociales, Desarrollo sostenible, Participación comunitaria, Política ambiental, Ciénaga de Mallorquín, Social enterprises, Sustainable development, Community participation, Environmental politic, Cienaga of Mallorquín