Currículo para el desarrollo del pensamiento bioético en profesionales de la fisioterapia
Barrios Barreto, Meryene
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Los avances tecnológicos aplicados a las ciencias de la vida, la posible o real
vulneración de los derechos humanos de los pacientes y la concomitante
“deshumanización” o falta de calidad humana en la prestación de los servicios de
salud han conllevado a que la educación, el sistema de salud, la sociedad y la
cultura se entretejan buscando unas soluciones a estas situaciones. En la línea de
estas soluciones se desarrollará la presente investigación recogiendo los aportes
que a la misma pueden brindar la bioética, la pedagogía socio-crítica, el currículo
complejo y el pensamiento complejo. Todo ello, en la perspectiva de una
investigación-acción educativa.
La presente investigación doctoral busca fundamentar teórico, metodológica y
epistemológicamente la propuesta de un currículo que desarrolle el pensamiento
bioético en el profesional de la fisioterapia. Se sustenta en el paradigma Sociocrítico y en, el trabajo del profesor Miguel Martínez-Miguélez, que busca
reconceptualizar la indagación en el aula en términos participativos, relacionándolo
con las actividades propias del quehacer educativo como es la construcción y
desarrollo del currículo.
Se desarrolla en tres grandes momentos: el del diagnóstico y análisis del problema,
el de la aplicación y el de la evaluación de los resultados en relación con la
construcción de un currículo que integre los aportes de la bioética en los estudiantes
de fisioterapia de la Corporación Universitaria Antonio José de Sucre –Corposucre,
Como resultado de la investigación, se definió el concepto de pensamiento bioético
y se diseñó un currículo prácti-senti-pensante para los estudiantes de fisioterapia a
partir de la pedagogía senti-pensante y del paradigma del cerebro tríadico o triúnico
que interrelaciona las acciones, los sentimientos y los conocimientos en la formación
humana de los futuros fisioterapeutas.
Technological advances applied to life sciences, the possible or real violation of patients' human rights and the concomitant "dehumanization" or lack of human quality in the provision of health services have led education, the health system, society and culture to interweave in search of solutions to these situations. In the line of these solutions, the present research will be developed by gathering the 10 contributions that bioethics, socio-critical pedagogy, complex curriculum and complex thinking can provide. All this, in the perspective of an educational actionresearch. This doctoral research seeks to provide a theoretical, methodological and epistemological basis for the proposal of a curriculum that develops bioethical thinking in the physical therapy professional. It is based on the Socio-critical paradigm and on the work of Professor Miguel Martínez-Miguélez, who seeks to reconceptualize inquiry in the classroom in participatory terms, relating it to the activities of the educational task such as the construction and development of the curriculum. It is developed in three main moments: diagnosis and analysis of the problem, application and evaluation of the results in relation to the construction of a curriculum that integrates the contributions of bioethics in physiotherapy students of the Corporation University Antonio José de Sucre -Corposucre, Sincelejo-Colombia. As a result of the research, the concept of bioethical thinking was defined and practice / sensing/ thinking curriculum was designed for physical therapy students based on the of sensing/thinking pedagogy and the paradigm of the triadic or triune brain that interrelates actions, feelings and knowledge in the human formation of future physical therapists.
Technological advances applied to life sciences, the possible or real violation of patients' human rights and the concomitant "dehumanization" or lack of human quality in the provision of health services have led education, the health system, society and culture to interweave in search of solutions to these situations. In the line of these solutions, the present research will be developed by gathering the 10 contributions that bioethics, socio-critical pedagogy, complex curriculum and complex thinking can provide. All this, in the perspective of an educational actionresearch. This doctoral research seeks to provide a theoretical, methodological and epistemological basis for the proposal of a curriculum that develops bioethical thinking in the physical therapy professional. It is based on the Socio-critical paradigm and on the work of Professor Miguel Martínez-Miguélez, who seeks to reconceptualize inquiry in the classroom in participatory terms, relating it to the activities of the educational task such as the construction and development of the curriculum. It is developed in three main moments: diagnosis and analysis of the problem, application and evaluation of the results in relation to the construction of a curriculum that integrates the contributions of bioethics in physiotherapy students of the Corporation University Antonio José de Sucre -Corposucre, Sincelejo-Colombia. As a result of the research, the concept of bioethical thinking was defined and practice / sensing/ thinking curriculum was designed for physical therapy students based on the of sensing/thinking pedagogy and the paradigm of the triadic or triune brain that interrelates actions, feelings and knowledge in the human formation of future physical therapists.
Palabras clave
Pensamiento bioético, Currículo práctisentipensante, Fisioterapia, Practice/sensing/thinking, Curriculum, Bioethical thinking and physical therapy