Características clínicas y factores de riesgo de la insuficiencia venosa periférica en el personal de enfermería de la sociedad médica Clínica Maicao La Guajira
Guevara Pulido, Deyanira Ester
Contreras Ospino, Jhonkeinis
Amaya Tirado, Yoelis Eleinys
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Antecedentes: La insuficiencia venosa periférica de acuerdo a estudios de algunos autores como Martinelli (2018), quien habla sobre los factores de riesgo asociados a insuficiencia periférica en pacientes menores de 60 años. Pérez y Vergara (2017), se refiere al conocimiento que existe el personal enfermero de centro quirúrgico de una Clínica Privada a cerca de las várices y las medidas de prevención en miembros inferiores en el profesional. Jaramillo y Torres (2015) habla sobre los factores que están asociados a la prevalencia de Insuficiencia Venosa Periférica con bipedestación dilatada en el personal de la salud en el área cirugía del HSVP. Vásquez y Acevedo (2016), se refiere a la prevalencia de la IVP en el personal del área de enfermería de un hospital de segundo nivel de atención, así como también, identificar cuáles son las características laborales y personales que pueden asociarse. Parra (2015) quien habla de, el nivel de conocimiento que se tiene sobre la Insuficiencia Venosa Periférica y las prácticas de prevención en enfermeras(os) de cirugía y emergencias del hospital Marino Molina Scippa entre otros, se define como la discapacidad para efectuar adecuadamente la función del retorno venoso hacia el corazón. Es la problemática vascular más recurrente muy por encima de los problemas arteriales y cardiacos afectando especialmente el sistema arterial de los miembros inferiores del cuerpo humano. Objetivo central: Determinar los factores de riesgo para Insuficiencia Venosa Periférica en el personal de enfermería de la clínica Maicao, del municipio de Maicao La Guajira.
Background: Peripheral venous insufficiency according to studies by some authors such as Martinelli (2018), who talks about the risk factors associated with peripheral insufficiency in patients under 60 years of age. Pérez and Vergara (2017), refers to the knowledge that there is the nursing staff of the surgical center of a Private Clinic about varicose veins and prevention measures in lower limbs in the professional. Jaramillo and Torres (2015) talk about the factors that are associated with the prevalence of Peripheral Venous Insufficiency with dilated standing in health personnel in the surgery area of HSVP. Vásquez and Acevedo (2016), refers to the prevalence of IVP in the nursing area staff of a second-level hospital of care, as well as to identify what are the work and personal characteristics that can be associated. Parra (2015) who talks about the level of knowledge about Peripheral Venous Insufficiency and prevention practices in surgery and emergency nurses at the Marino Molina Scippa hospital, among others, is defined as the disability to properly perform the function of venous return to the heart. It is the most recurrent vascular problem far above arterial and cardiac problems, especially affecting the arterial system of the lower limbs of the human body. Central objective: To determine the risk factors for Peripheral Venous Insufficiency in the nursing staff of the Maicao clinic, in the municipality of Maicao La Guajira.
Background: Peripheral venous insufficiency according to studies by some authors such as Martinelli (2018), who talks about the risk factors associated with peripheral insufficiency in patients under 60 years of age. Pérez and Vergara (2017), refers to the knowledge that there is the nursing staff of the surgical center of a Private Clinic about varicose veins and prevention measures in lower limbs in the professional. Jaramillo and Torres (2015) talk about the factors that are associated with the prevalence of Peripheral Venous Insufficiency with dilated standing in health personnel in the surgery area of HSVP. Vásquez and Acevedo (2016), refers to the prevalence of IVP in the nursing area staff of a second-level hospital of care, as well as to identify what are the work and personal characteristics that can be associated. Parra (2015) who talks about the level of knowledge about Peripheral Venous Insufficiency and prevention practices in surgery and emergency nurses at the Marino Molina Scippa hospital, among others, is defined as the disability to properly perform the function of venous return to the heart. It is the most recurrent vascular problem far above arterial and cardiac problems, especially affecting the arterial system of the lower limbs of the human body. Central objective: To determine the risk factors for Peripheral Venous Insufficiency in the nursing staff of the Maicao clinic, in the municipality of Maicao La Guajira.
Palabras clave
Insuficiencia, Venosa, Periférica, Factores de riesgo, Características clínicas, Insufficiency, Venous, Peripheral, Risk factors, Clinical characteristics