Factores asociados a la discriminación durante la pandemia del SARS-COV 2 desde la percepción del personal médico que labora en la Clínica Medical Duarte de la ciudad de Cúcuta
Meneses Parada, Karen Adriana
Rodríguez Moros, Astrid Carolina
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El objetivo de esta investigación es conocer los factores asociados a la discriminación
durante la pandemia del SARS-Covid-2 desde la percepción del personal médico que labora
en la Clínica Medical Duarte de la Ciudad de Cúcuta. La investigación tiene un diseño tipo
no experimental, transaccional, descriptivo, la metodología de la investigación aplicada es
cuantitativa. Para la recolección de información se aplicó la encuesta por medio de un
instrumento, la muestra fue de 15 profesionales de la salud de la Clínica Medical Duarte, la
encuesta mide tres categorías como la percepción de discriminación, afectación laboral,
dinámicas y relaciones familiares. Los resultados evidenciaron que los profesionales de la
salud fueron estigmatizados y discriminados durante la pandemia del Covid-19 afectando su
bienestar emocional, física y mental. Se concluye, que se debe implementar estrategias y
acciones que beneficien a la comunidad facilitando un proceso que conlleve a la
sensibilización hacia una cultura de solidaridad.
The objective of this research is to know the factors associated with discrimination during the SARS-Covid-2 pandemic from the perception of the medical personnel who work at the Duarte Medical Clinic in the City of Cúcuta. The research has a non- experimental, transactional, descriptive design, the methodology of the applied research is quantitative. For the collection of information, the survey was applied through an instrument, the sample was 15 health professionals from the Duarte Medical Clinic, the survey measures three categories such as the perception of discrimination, work involvement, dynamics and family relationships. The results showed that health professionals were stigmatized and discriminated against during the Covid- 19 pandemic, affecting their emotional, physical and mental well-being. It is concluded that strategies and actions that benefit the community should be implemented by facilitating a process that leads to awareness towards a culture of solidarity.
The objective of this research is to know the factors associated with discrimination during the SARS-Covid-2 pandemic from the perception of the medical personnel who work at the Duarte Medical Clinic in the City of Cúcuta. The research has a non- experimental, transactional, descriptive design, the methodology of the applied research is quantitative. For the collection of information, the survey was applied through an instrument, the sample was 15 health professionals from the Duarte Medical Clinic, the survey measures three categories such as the perception of discrimination, work involvement, dynamics and family relationships. The results showed that health professionals were stigmatized and discriminated against during the Covid- 19 pandemic, affecting their emotional, physical and mental well-being. It is concluded that strategies and actions that benefit the community should be implemented by facilitating a process that leads to awareness towards a culture of solidarity.
Palabras clave
Percepción de la discriminación, Covid-19, Afectaciones laborales, Dinámicas, Relaciones familiares, Profesionales de la salud, Perception of discrimination, Labor effects, dynamics, Family relationships, Healthcare professionals