Formación didáctica para las competencias ciudadanas en entornos virtuales: una experiencia en estudiantes de noveno grado del Instituto San Francisco de Sales
Moreno Pedraza, Nancy Rocío
Yañez Ravelo, Piedad Alondra
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Este trabajo presenta los resultados de una investigación cualitativa, donde se analiza la formación didáctica en competencias ciudadanas desde los entornos virtuales, llevada a cabo con los jóvenes de noveno grado del Instituto San Francisco de Sales, de la ciudad de Cúcuta. El marco teórico de este estudio hace referencia a los conceptos de: didáctica, competencias ciudadanas, entornos virtuales y las TIC. En esta investigación se establecen 3 momentos, guiados por Blumer y cada uno de ellos representan los objetivos de este trabajo. El primer momento mediante la observación participante se identificaron las percepciones de los estudiantes de noveno grado en competencias ciudadanas; en el segundo mediante entrevistas semi estructuradas se establecieron los elementos objetivos y subjetivos de las competencias ciudadanas que expresan los jóvenes en sus entornos virtuales, como último momento se realizó el análisis documental donde se analizó la importancia de la formación en competencias ciudadanas en el contexto virtual como momento histórico. Los hallazgos se interpretan y analizan según las categorías de competencias ciudadanas, didáctica y entornos virtuales. En los resultados se observa una falencia en los jóvenes en la subcategoría de competencias ciudadanas: pluralidad, identidad y valoración de las diferencias, donde se percibió poca empatía a pensamientos diferentes al de ellos, donde se hace necesario trabajar con más ahínco en la inclusión
This work presents the results of a qualitative research, which analyzes the training in citizenship skills from virtual environments, carried out with ninth-grade youth from the San Francisco de Sales Institute, in the city of Cúcuta. The theoretical framework of this study refers to the concepts of: didactics, citizenship skills, virtual environments and ICT. In this research 3 moments are established, guided by Blumer and each of them represent the objectives of this work. The first moment, through participant observation, the perceptions of ninth grade students in civic competencies were identified; In the second, through semi-structured interviews, the objective and subjective elements of the civic competences expressed by young people in their virtual environments were established, at the last moment the documentary analysis was carried out where the importance of training in citizen competencies in the virtual context was analyzed. as a historical moment. The findings are interpreted and analyzed according to the categories of citizenship skills, didactics and virtual environments. In the results, a shortcoming is observed in the young people in the subcategory of civic competences: plurality, identity and valuation of differences, where little empathy was perceived for thoughts different from theirs, where it is necessary to work harder on inclusion.
This work presents the results of a qualitative research, which analyzes the training in citizenship skills from virtual environments, carried out with ninth-grade youth from the San Francisco de Sales Institute, in the city of Cúcuta. The theoretical framework of this study refers to the concepts of: didactics, citizenship skills, virtual environments and ICT. In this research 3 moments are established, guided by Blumer and each of them represent the objectives of this work. The first moment, through participant observation, the perceptions of ninth grade students in civic competencies were identified; In the second, through semi-structured interviews, the objective and subjective elements of the civic competences expressed by young people in their virtual environments were established, at the last moment the documentary analysis was carried out where the importance of training in citizen competencies in the virtual context was analyzed. as a historical moment. The findings are interpreted and analyzed according to the categories of citizenship skills, didactics and virtual environments. In the results, a shortcoming is observed in the young people in the subcategory of civic competences: plurality, identity and valuation of differences, where little empathy was perceived for thoughts different from theirs, where it is necessary to work harder on inclusion.
Palabras clave
Competencias ciudadanas, Entornos virtuales, TIC, Ciudadano mundial, Citizen competences, Didactics, Virtual environments, TIC, World citizen, Didáctica