Factores asociados al rendimiento académico en estudiantes de enfermería
Duarte Soto, Camilo Andrés
Alvarado Medina, Isis Daniela
Suárez Villamizar, Jhonatan Alexander
Madriz Rodríguez, Delia Alejandra
Nieto Sánchez, Zulmary Carolina
Moreno Sánchez, Yenni Magaly
Ugueto Maldonado, Martha Graciela
Bravo Valero2, Antonio José
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Universidad Central de Venezuela
El objetivo del presente artículo es caracterizar los factores que influyen en los resultados académicos en los estudiantes de la carrera enfermería. Fue una investigación de campo, cuanEti- tativa y de nivel correlacional, aplicado a una muestra selec- cionada a conveniencia, de 197 estudiantes del 2do al 10mo semestre del programa Enfermería de la Universidad de San- tander campus Cúcuta. Se trabajó sobre la base de 3 dimensio- nes para las variables de factores de rendimiento académico: factores sociodemográficos, factores cognitivos y factores psi- cológicos. La técnica de recolección utilizada fue la encuesta y el instrumento un cuestionario de 26 ítems validado por jui- cios de expertos, con una confiabilidad de Alpha de Cronbach de 0,7583. La estadística descriptiva y la inferencial fueron los medios para el procesamiento de los datos, a través del coefi- ciente de correlación de Pearson. En torno a los factores socio- demográficos que influyen en el rendimiento, se encontró el 92,57% de los estudiantes es dependiente económico, y que la búsqueda de mejor calidad de vida es un aliciente académico de desempeño. Se logró identificar que los factores cognitivos como la concentración que son relevantes para el 18,8% y la retención para el 36,5%. Los factores psicológicos son los de mayor importancia, tanto el apoyo familiar como el trabajo en equipo por el 73,1% de los estudiantes. El aislamiento de un círculo social ejerce bajo rendimiento académico para el 48,7% de los estudiantes. El estudio correlacional demostró que la va- riable de real incidencia en el rendimiento es la motivación, con un r de 0,938175561 y un r2 de 0,880173384, no resultando concluyentes los aspectos cognitivos, aunque con correlación positiva pero baja. En cuanto al estado civil, parece afectar el rendimiento estudiantil, y pudiera explicarse desde las ocupa- ciones familiares que supone este estado.
The objective of this article is to characterize the factors that influence academic results in nursing students. It was a field research, quantitative and correlational level, applied to a sample selected at convenience, of 197 students from the 2nd to the 10th semester of the Nursing program of the Uni- versity of Santander, Cúcuta campus. We worked based on 3 dimensions for the variable of academic performance factors: sociodemographic factors, cognitive factors, and psychologi- cal factors. The collection technique used was the survey and the instrument a 26-item questionnaire validated by expert judgments, with the reliability of Cronbach’s alpha of 0.7583. Descriptive and inferential statistics were the means for data processing, through Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Regard- ing the sociodemographic factors that influence performance, it was found that 92.57% of the students are economically dependent and that the search for a better quality of life is an academic incentive for performance. It was possible to identify those cognitive factors such as concentration which are rele- vant for 18.8% and retention for 36.5%. Psychological factors are the most important, both family support and teamwork for 73.1% of students. The isolation of a social circle exerts low academic performance for 48.7% of the students. The correlational study showed that the variable of real impact on performance is motivation, with an r of 0.938175561 and an r2 of 0.880173384, the cognitive aspects being inconclusive, although with a positive but low correlation. Regarding marital status, it seems to affect student performance and could be explained from the family occupations that this status implies.
The objective of this article is to characterize the factors that influence academic results in nursing students. It was a field research, quantitative and correlational level, applied to a sample selected at convenience, of 197 students from the 2nd to the 10th semester of the Nursing program of the Uni- versity of Santander, Cúcuta campus. We worked based on 3 dimensions for the variable of academic performance factors: sociodemographic factors, cognitive factors, and psychologi- cal factors. The collection technique used was the survey and the instrument a 26-item questionnaire validated by expert judgments, with the reliability of Cronbach’s alpha of 0.7583. Descriptive and inferential statistics were the means for data processing, through Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Regard- ing the sociodemographic factors that influence performance, it was found that 92.57% of the students are economically dependent and that the search for a better quality of life is an academic incentive for performance. It was possible to identify those cognitive factors such as concentration which are rele- vant for 18.8% and retention for 36.5%. Psychological factors are the most important, both family support and teamwork for 73.1% of students. The isolation of a social circle exerts low academic performance for 48.7% of the students. The correlational study showed that the variable of real impact on performance is motivation, with an r of 0.938175561 and an r2 of 0.880173384, the cognitive aspects being inconclusive, although with a positive but low correlation. Regarding marital status, it seems to affect student performance and could be explained from the family occupations that this status implies.
Palabras clave
Educación superior, Rendimiento académico, Estudiantes, Enfermería, Higher education, Academic performance, students, Nursing