Responsabilidad social empresarial en el sector financiero Colombiano: propuesta desde la teoría de los Stakeholders Caso de estudio: Finsocial
Díaz Ortega, Yira Carolina
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad Administración y Negocios
Facultad Administración y Negocios
A raíz de la evolución de la humanidad, han venido retos como lo son la pobreza, la contaminación, el cambio climático, el hambre, entre otras, las
cuales resultan muy difícil abarcarlas de manera conjunta para darles solución, sin
embargo, algunas organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro y empresas privadas junto al
Gobierno, se han encaminado para trabajar contra el deterioro del medio ambiente
y la sociedad adyacente con actividades que generen un impacto positivo en
Es aquí donde la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial RSE toma lugar como el
compromiso que asumen las empresas para desarrollar iniciativas que promuevan
las buenas prácticas dentro de sus operaciones, procurando que éstas sean
sostenibles tanto en lo económico, social y medio ambiental, es decir, que al
incluirla dentro del negocio la RSE se vuelve parte de la gestión corporativa,
involucrando a los sectores económicos y en especial al sector financiero el cual
posee la mayor participación en el Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) colombiano, con
una gran trayectoria y proyección encontrando la oportunidad de trabajar por los
habitantes de este país y su entorno que es el lugar donde ejercen sus actividades.
As a result of the evolution of humanity, there have been challenges such as poverty, pollution, climate change, hunger, among others, which are very difficult to cover together to solve them, however, some Non-profit organizations and private companies together with the Government, have been directed to work against the deterioration of the environment and the adjacent society with activities that generate a positive impact on them. It is here where CSR Corporate Social Responsibility takes place as the commitment that companies assume to develop initiatives that promote good practices within their operations, ensuring that these are sustainable both economically, socially and environmentally, that is, that at include it within the business CSR becomes part of corporate management, involving the economic sectors and especially the financial sector which has the largest share of the Colombian Gross Domestic Product (GDP), with a great trajectory and projection finding the opportunity to work for the inhabitants of this country and their environment, which is the place where they carry out their activities.
As a result of the evolution of humanity, there have been challenges such as poverty, pollution, climate change, hunger, among others, which are very difficult to cover together to solve them, however, some Non-profit organizations and private companies together with the Government, have been directed to work against the deterioration of the environment and the adjacent society with activities that generate a positive impact on them. It is here where CSR Corporate Social Responsibility takes place as the commitment that companies assume to develop initiatives that promote good practices within their operations, ensuring that these are sustainable both economically, socially and environmentally, that is, that at include it within the business CSR becomes part of corporate management, involving the economic sectors and especially the financial sector which has the largest share of the Colombian Gross Domestic Product (GDP), with a great trajectory and projection finding the opportunity to work for the inhabitants of this country and their environment, which is the place where they carry out their activities.
Palabras clave
Grupos de interés, RSE, Estrategias de gestión, Sector financiero Colombiano, Caso de estudio, Stakeholders, CSR, Management strategies, Colombian financial sector, Case study