Factores que intervienen en los bajos resultados de pruebas saber en el área de matemáticas en la IETA
Miranda Herrera, Greeys Paola
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En este trabajo se centra la atención en una de las tareas profesionales más controvertidas y con mayores dificultades de desarrollo: la evaluación. Esta investigación nace de la necesidad por indagar las posibles causas que están imposibilitando la obtención de resultados satisfactorios en el área de matemáticas por los estudiantes de 3° de Básica Primaria de la Institución Educativa Técnica Agropecuaria de Tubará quienes vienen presentando un nivel por debajo del esperado en pruebas estandarizadas, tales como las Saber, lo cual es materia de preocupación ya que no se están logrando las metas planeadas. En términos específicos, se busca: a) determinar qué factores están afectando el desempeño de los estudiantes en las pruebas Saber en el área de matemáticas y b) proponer un curso-taller como estrategia teórico-practica dirigida a los docentes con el fin de mejorar los resultados en pruebas saber.
In this work it centres the attention on one of the most controversial professional tasks and with major difficulties of development: the evaluation. This investigation is born of the need for investigating the possible reasons that preclude obtaining of satisfactory results in the area of mathematics for the students of 3 ° of Basic Primary Agricultural Technical Educational Institution of Tubará who are presenting a level below the expected on standardized tests such as Saber, which is of concern because they are not achieving their stated goals. Specifically, it seeks to: a) determine what factors are affecting the performance of students on tests Knowledge in the area of mathematics and b) propound a workshop course as theoretical and practical strategy for teachers in order to improve test results to
In this work it centres the attention on one of the most controversial professional tasks and with major difficulties of development: the evaluation. This investigation is born of the need for investigating the possible reasons that preclude obtaining of satisfactory results in the area of mathematics for the students of 3 ° of Basic Primary Agricultural Technical Educational Institution of Tubará who are presenting a level below the expected on standardized tests such as Saber, which is of concern because they are not achieving their stated goals. Specifically, it seeks to: a) determine what factors are affecting the performance of students on tests Knowledge in the area of mathematics and b) propound a workshop course as theoretical and practical strategy for teachers in order to improve test results to
Palabras clave
Bajos resultados, Evaluación, Matemáticas, Prueba saber, Low results, Evaluation, Mathematics, Saber test