Aplicabilidad del medio de control de repetición por procesos iniciados contra la policía nacional de Colombia y el principio de sostenibilidad fiscal
Suárez Silva, José Oswaldo
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Durante décadas las afectaciones en los patrimonios nacionales han sido motivo de preocupación por los diferentes Estados a nivel internacional, por ello, se han creado diferentes herramientas que puedan minimizar dicha problemática, dentro de ellas se encuentra el medio de control de repetición que busca recuperar los montos que son canceladas por el Estado por causa de responsabilidad extracontractual, por acciones u omisiones dolosas o culposas cometidas por los servidores públicos. Debido a la problemática la presente investigación se planteó como objetivo Comprender la aplicabilidad del medio de control de repetición por procesos contra la policía nacional de Colombia y su relación con el principio de sostenibilidad fiscal. Debido a que esta entidad forma parte del Estado y debe afrontar cierto número de demandas que afectan la sostenibilidad fiscal. La investigación fue abordada bajo el método de complementariedad bajo la revisión documental y la técnica de focus Group, lo que permitió conocer que dentro de la entidad existen una serie de factores que inciden en la aplicabilidad del mecanismo jurídico y en consecuencia de ello no se puede repetir contra los funcionarios y los montos cancelados no logran ser reintegrados al Estado y a su vez se generan afectaciones en el presupuesto nacional.
For decades, the effects on national heritage have been a matter of concern for the different States at the international level, for this reason, different tools have been created that can minimize said problem, within them is the means of repetition control that seeks to recover the amounts that are paid by the State due to non-contractual liability, for willful or negligent actions or omissions committed by public servants. Due to the problem, the present investigation aimed to understand the applicability of the means of control of repetition by processes against the Colombian national police and its relationship with the principle of fiscal sustainability. Because this entity is part of the State and must face a certain number of demands that affect fiscal sustainability. The investigation was approached under the method of complementarity under the documentary review and the focus group technique, which allowed knowing that within the entity there are a series of factors that affect the applicability of the legal mechanism and as a consequence of this it cannot be repeated against the officials and the canceled amounts fail to be reintegrated into the State and in turn affect the national budget.
For decades, the effects on national heritage have been a matter of concern for the different States at the international level, for this reason, different tools have been created that can minimize said problem, within them is the means of repetition control that seeks to recover the amounts that are paid by the State due to non-contractual liability, for willful or negligent actions or omissions committed by public servants. Due to the problem, the present investigation aimed to understand the applicability of the means of control of repetition by processes against the Colombian national police and its relationship with the principle of fiscal sustainability. Because this entity is part of the State and must face a certain number of demands that affect fiscal sustainability. The investigation was approached under the method of complementarity under the documentary review and the focus group technique, which allowed knowing that within the entity there are a series of factors that affect the applicability of the legal mechanism and as a consequence of this it cannot be repeated against the officials and the canceled amounts fail to be reintegrated into the State and in turn affect the national budget.
Palabras clave
Sostenibilidad fiscal, Gasto público, Acción de repetir, Policía nacional, Responsabilidad extracontractual del Estado, Fiscal sustainability, Public spending, Repeat action, National police, Tort liability of the State