Síndrome de Burnout, calidad de sueño y síntomas osteomusculares en trabajadores de la región Caribe colombiana
De la Hoz Castro, Cindy Paola
Gutiérrez Del Castillo, Ana Laura
Pertuz Chamorro, Diana Carolina
Redondo Cotes, Tatiana Karina
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Objetivo: Determinar las características de Burnout, los niveles del sueño y los
síntomas osteomusculares en los trabajadores de la Región Caribe Colombiana.
Materiales y Métodos: Esta investigación adoptó un enfoque cuantitativo y se
diseñó como un estudio descriptivo transversal. El objetivo principal fue evaluar las
características del Síndrome de Burnout, los niveles de sueño y los síntomas
osteomusculares en trabajadores de la Región Caribe Colombiana en un momento
específico. La población de estudio comprendió el talento humano de una empresa
de industrias de alimentos. De un total de 106 empleados distribuidos en las áreas
de administración, producción y comercialización, se seleccionó una muestra
representativa de 60 trabajadores. La recolección de datos se realizó mediante
fuentes primarias, con el equipo de investigación obteniendo información
directamente de los participantes. Para minimizar la interrupción laboral, las
encuestas se distribuyeron durante sesiones programadas en diferentes turnos. Se
aseguró la confidencialidad y el anonimato de las respuestas para fomentar la
precisión y honestidad de los participantes. Se utilizaron tres instrumentos
principales para la recolección de datos: Encuesta Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI):
Este cuestionario, compuesto por 22 ítems en forma de afirmaciones, evalúa los
sentimientos y actitudes del profesional en su trabajo. Mide tres aspectos del
síndrome de Burnout: agotamiento emocional, despersonalización y realización
personal. Índice de Calidad del Sueño de Pittsburgh (ICSP): Consta de 19 preguntas
autoevaluadas y cinco preguntas secundarias. Las respuestas se combinan para
generar siete componentes: calidad subjetiva del sueño, latencia, duración,
eficiencia habitual, alteraciones, uso de medicamentos para dormir y disfunción
diurna. Cuestionario Nórdico de Kuorinka: Este instrumento, que consta de once
preguntas, permite identificar la percepción y sintomatología músculo-esquelética
de los trabajadores durante su jornada laboral. Para el procesamiento y análisis de
datos, se utilizó el programa estadístico SPSS versión 25 (bajo licencia de la
Universidad Simón Bolívar). El análisis incluyó estadística descriptiva para
determinar frecuencias y porcentajes, así como estadística inferencial, empleando
la prueba de chi-cuadrado de Pearson para examinar posibles relaciones entre
variables. Los resultados se interpretaron meticulosamente y se presentaron de
manera clara en tablas
Objective: Determine the characteristics of Burnout, sleep levels and musculoskeletal symptoms in workers in the Colombian Caribbean Region. Materials and Methods: This research adopted a quantitative approach and was designed as a cross-sectional descriptive study. The main objective was to evaluate the characteristics of Burnout Syndrome, sleep levels and musculoskeletal symptoms in workers from the Colombian Caribbean Region at a specific time. The study population included the human talent of a food industry company. From a total of 106 employees distributed in the areas of administration, production and marketing, a representative sample of 60 workers was selected. Data collection was conducted through primary sources, with the research team obtaining information directly from the participants. To minimize work disruption, surveys were distributed during scheduled sessions across different shifts. Confidentiality and anonymity of responses were ensured to encourage participant accuracy and honesty. Three main instruments were used for data collection: Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) Survey: This questionnaire, composed of 22 items in the form of statements, evaluates the professional's feelings and attitudes in their work. It measures three aspects of Burnout syndrome: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal fulfillment. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI): Consists of 19 selfassessed questions and five secondary questions. Responses are combined to generate seven components: subjective sleep quality, latency, duration, habitual efficiency, disturbances, sleep medication use, and daytime dysfunction. Kuorinka Nordic Questionnaire: This instrument, which consists of eleven questions, allows us to identify the perception and musculoskeletal symptoms of workers during their workday. For data processing and analysis, the statistical program SPSS version 25 was used (under license from the Simón Bolívar University). The analysis included descriptive statistics to determine frequencies and percentages, as well as inferential statistics, using Pearson's chi-square test to examine possible relationships between variables. The results were meticulously interpreted and presented clearly in tables.
Objective: Determine the characteristics of Burnout, sleep levels and musculoskeletal symptoms in workers in the Colombian Caribbean Region. Materials and Methods: This research adopted a quantitative approach and was designed as a cross-sectional descriptive study. The main objective was to evaluate the characteristics of Burnout Syndrome, sleep levels and musculoskeletal symptoms in workers from the Colombian Caribbean Region at a specific time. The study population included the human talent of a food industry company. From a total of 106 employees distributed in the areas of administration, production and marketing, a representative sample of 60 workers was selected. Data collection was conducted through primary sources, with the research team obtaining information directly from the participants. To minimize work disruption, surveys were distributed during scheduled sessions across different shifts. Confidentiality and anonymity of responses were ensured to encourage participant accuracy and honesty. Three main instruments were used for data collection: Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) Survey: This questionnaire, composed of 22 items in the form of statements, evaluates the professional's feelings and attitudes in their work. It measures three aspects of Burnout syndrome: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal fulfillment. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI): Consists of 19 selfassessed questions and five secondary questions. Responses are combined to generate seven components: subjective sleep quality, latency, duration, habitual efficiency, disturbances, sleep medication use, and daytime dysfunction. Kuorinka Nordic Questionnaire: This instrument, which consists of eleven questions, allows us to identify the perception and musculoskeletal symptoms of workers during their workday. For data processing and analysis, the statistical program SPSS version 25 was used (under license from the Simón Bolívar University). The analysis included descriptive statistics to determine frequencies and percentages, as well as inferential statistics, using Pearson's chi-square test to examine possible relationships between variables. The results were meticulously interpreted and presented clearly in tables.
Palabras clave
Estrés laboral, Trastornos de sueño, Salud laboral, Trabajadores.