Hacia una Pedagogía de la Memoria en la Escuela Colombiana
Vargas Pabón, Jhon Jairo
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente trabajo de Investigación tiene por objeto de estudio la Pedagogía de la Memoria, entendida como el reto de la Escuela colombiana por “rememorar y reconstruir la historia reciente” desde los testimonios de quienes han sufrido la violencia política y han sido invisibilizados por la memoria oficial, con miras a la formación del “ser” ciudadano en el marco de un proceso de alteridad, intersubjetivo de significación y resignificación, que posibilite acogida, diálogo, empatía, responsabilidad frente a la reconstrucción del pasado desde lo que se ha vivido, sufrido, padecido, para poder transformar y abrir el horizonte de lo que desea ser como sociedad, como Escuela, como Nación, en perspectiva de una educación para no olvidar, para el “nunca más”, que necesita recordar para no repetir estos hechos de violencia que se han perpetuado por tantos años hasta nuestra actualidad y, especialmente, como un aporte para la construcción de una paz necesaria y poner en el centro de la vida el valor de lo humano”.
The present research work has as its object of study the Pedagogy of Memory, understood as the challenge of the Colombian School to "remember and reconstruct recent history" from the testimonies of those who have suffered political violence and have been made invisible by the official memory, with a view to the formation of the citizen "being" in the framework of a process of otherness, intersubjective of meaning and resignification, which enables acceptance, dialogue, empathy, responsibility in front of the reconstruction of the past from what has been lived, suffered, endured, in order to transform and open the horizon of what we wish to be as a society, as a School, as a Nation, in perspective of an education for not forgetting, for the "never again", which needs to remember in order not to repeat these facts of violence that have been perpetuated for so many years until today and, especially, and generate the conditions to make possible the construction of a necessary peace and put in the center of life the value of the human being".
The present research work has as its object of study the Pedagogy of Memory, understood as the challenge of the Colombian School to "remember and reconstruct recent history" from the testimonies of those who have suffered political violence and have been made invisible by the official memory, with a view to the formation of the citizen "being" in the framework of a process of otherness, intersubjective of meaning and resignification, which enables acceptance, dialogue, empathy, responsibility in front of the reconstruction of the past from what has been lived, suffered, endured, in order to transform and open the horizon of what we wish to be as a society, as a School, as a Nation, in perspective of an education for not forgetting, for the "never again", which needs to remember in order not to repeat these facts of violence that have been perpetuated for so many years until today and, especially, and generate the conditions to make possible the construction of a necessary peace and put in the center of life the value of the human being".
Palabras clave
Pedagogía de la memoria, Testimonio, Alteridad, Ciudadanía, Paz, Pedagogy of memory, Testimonial, Alterity, Citizenship, Peace