Creencias y percepciones sobre la probabilidad de contraer el coronavirus en trabajadores del sector de la construcción
Severiche Mora, María Margarita
Villanueva Vargas, Johanny Raiza
Yepes Consuegra, Katerine Andrea
Sanjuan Pugliesse, Dubys Esther
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Antecedentes: El COVID-19, fue declarado pandemia por la Organización Mundial de la Salud el 11 de marzo de 2020, lo que conllevó a tomar medidas como el aislamiento y/o distanciamiento social con el fin de reducir la trasmisión del virus y evitar que personas sanas entren en contacto con personas infectadas. La enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19) es una enfermedad infecciosa causada por el coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, las personas infectadas experimentan una enfermedad respiratoria de leve a moderada y se pueden recuperar sin necesidad de un tratamiento especial; aunque, las personas mayores o con problemas médicos subyacentes como enfermedades cardiovasculares, diabetes, enfermedades respiratorias crónicas y cáncer tienen más probabilidades de desarrollar enfermedades graves o de morir. Se han observado 135.646.617 casos confirmados de COVID-19 y 2,930,732 muertes a nivel mundial, en Colombia son 2.518.715 casos confirmados y 65.608 muertes.
Objetivo: Determinar las creencias y percepciones sobre la probabilidad de contraer el coronavirus en trabajadores del sector de la construcción.
Materiales y Métodos: Para la elaboración de este estudio, se realizó un análisis cuantitativo, en el que se tuvo en cuenta, el sector laboral de los encuestados, edad, sexo, estado civil, susceptibilidad percibida en relación con el COVID-19 entre otros. La realización de este estudio se realizó por medio remoto, debido a la emergencia sanitaria por la que estamos atravesando.
Resultados: Se encontró que al evaluar la percepción y creencia de la probabilidad de contraer el Covid-19 en el sector de la construcción el susceptibilidad y severidad percibida de contagio y es moderado a débil, respectivamente, en cuanto a los beneficios y las barreras percibidas es débil en su gran mayoría y con respecto a la motivación en salud gran parte de los encuestados respondieron que teniendo los cuidados necesarios la probabilidad de contraer el coronavirus es débil.
Background: COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020, which led to measures such as isolation and / or social distancing in order to reduce the transmission of the virus and prevent healthy people come into contact with infected people. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, infected people experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and can recover without the need for special treatment; However, people who are older or with underlying medical problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illnesses or die. There have been 135,646,617 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 2,930,732 deaths worldwide, in Colombia there are 2,518,715 confirmed cases and 65,608 deaths. Objective: Determine the beliefs and perceptions about the probability of contracting the coronavirus in workers in the construction sector. Materials and Methods: For the preparation of this study, a quantitative analysis was carried out, in which the labor sector of the respondents, age, sex, marital status, perceived susceptibility in relation to COVID-19, among others, was taken into account. This study was carried out remotely, due to the health emergency we are going through. Results: It was found that when evaluating the perception and belief of the probability of contracting Covid-19 in the construction sector, the susceptibility and perceived severity of contagion and is moderate to weak, respectively, in terms of benefits and perceived barriers is weak In the vast majority, and with regard to health motivation, a large part of the respondents responded that having the necessary care, the probability of contracting the coronavirus is weak.
Background: COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020, which led to measures such as isolation and / or social distancing in order to reduce the transmission of the virus and prevent healthy people come into contact with infected people. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, infected people experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and can recover without the need for special treatment; However, people who are older or with underlying medical problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illnesses or die. There have been 135,646,617 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 2,930,732 deaths worldwide, in Colombia there are 2,518,715 confirmed cases and 65,608 deaths. Objective: Determine the beliefs and perceptions about the probability of contracting the coronavirus in workers in the construction sector. Materials and Methods: For the preparation of this study, a quantitative analysis was carried out, in which the labor sector of the respondents, age, sex, marital status, perceived susceptibility in relation to COVID-19, among others, was taken into account. This study was carried out remotely, due to the health emergency we are going through. Results: It was found that when evaluating the perception and belief of the probability of contracting Covid-19 in the construction sector, the susceptibility and perceived severity of contagion and is moderate to weak, respectively, in terms of benefits and perceived barriers is weak In the vast majority, and with regard to health motivation, a large part of the respondents responded that having the necessary care, the probability of contracting the coronavirus is weak.
Palabras clave
COVID-19, Percepción, Creencia, Contagio, Riesgo, Construcción, Perception, Belief, Contagion, Risk, Construction