Maternidad adolescente: imaginarios sociales y experiencias desde el ejercicio del rol
Charris Truyo, Lisbeth Paola
Cárdenas Díaz, Yeison Antonio
Echavez Mejía, Delfida
García Palacio, Jesús
Mendoza Gómez, Leyvis
Rambauth Pacheco, Gabriela
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El embarazo adolescente es un fenómeno social creciente pese a los esfuerzos de los Estados y las políticas públicas preventivas, este tiene prevalencia en las poblaciones precarizadas y obstaculiza las posibilidades de movilidad social especialmente de las madres, al mismo tiempo representa mayores riesgos de salud, deserción escolar y crianzas disfuncionales.
Objetivos: Comprender los imaginarios sociales sobre la maternidad adolescente desde el ejercicio del rol, describir las valoraciones atribuidas a la maternidad desde el ejercicio del rol y conocer el impacto psicosocial del embarazo adolescente. Materiales y métodos: Este proyecto de investigación estará basado bajo un enfoque cualitativo debido a que este permite tener una mirada más profunda y reflexiva de las realidades cotidianas desde la experiencia directa con el sujeto; el paradigma asumido fue el histórico hermenéutico y el tipo de investigación que orientó el estudio fue la fenomenología por cuanto ambos posibilitan procesos interpretativos desde las vivencias de la población sujeto de estudio. Como técnicas de recolección de la información se usó la entrevista semiestructurada e historia de vida. Se implementó una muestra no probabilística de tipo intencional, cuyo criterio de selección fue: madres adolescentes con ejecución de su rol materno en tiempo actual y mujeres que fueron madres siendo adolescentes.
Adolescent pregnancy is a growing social phenomenon despite the efforts of the States and preventive public policies, it is prevalent in precarious populations and hinders the possibilities of social mobility, especially for mothers, at the same time it represents greater health risks. , school dropout and dysfunctional parenting. Objectives: Understand the social imaginaries about adolescent motherhood from the exercise of the role, describe the assessments attributed to motherhood from the exercise of the role and know the psychosocial impact of adolescent pregnancy. Materials and methods: This research project will be based on a qualitative approach because it allows a deeper and more reflective look at everyday realities from direct experience with the subject; the paradigm assumed was the historical hermeneutic and the type of research that guided the study was phenomenology, since both make interpretative processes possible from the experiences of the population under study. As information collection techniques, the semi-structured interview and life history were used. An intentional non-probabilistic sample was implemented, whose selection criteria were: adolescent mothers currently performing their maternal role and women who became mothers while adolescents.
Adolescent pregnancy is a growing social phenomenon despite the efforts of the States and preventive public policies, it is prevalent in precarious populations and hinders the possibilities of social mobility, especially for mothers, at the same time it represents greater health risks. , school dropout and dysfunctional parenting. Objectives: Understand the social imaginaries about adolescent motherhood from the exercise of the role, describe the assessments attributed to motherhood from the exercise of the role and know the psychosocial impact of adolescent pregnancy. Materials and methods: This research project will be based on a qualitative approach because it allows a deeper and more reflective look at everyday realities from direct experience with the subject; the paradigm assumed was the historical hermeneutic and the type of research that guided the study was phenomenology, since both make interpretative processes possible from the experiences of the population under study. As information collection techniques, the semi-structured interview and life history were used. An intentional non-probabilistic sample was implemented, whose selection criteria were: adolescent mothers currently performing their maternal role and women who became mothers while adolescents.
Palabras clave
Adolescencia, Embarazo en adolescente, Imaginarios sociales, Maternidad, Adolescence, Adolescent pregnancy, Social imaginaries, Motherhood