Espacios comerciales de material de calzado que construyen identidad laboral en el barrio el Llano de la ciudad de san José de Cúcuta
Ortega Beleño, Laura Vanessa
Hernández Caicedo, Lisbeth Johanna
Silva García, Tatiana Marcela
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En el presente proyecto de investigación busca conocer los espacios comerciales de material de calzado que construyen identidad laboral en el barrio el llano de la ciudad de san José de Cúcuta, para resaltar la espacializacion del sector peletero de insumos para el calzado, para lo cual se tomó como referentes teóricos los aportes dados desde la teoría de la producción del espacio de Lefebvre (1974), La espacialidad de la vida social Edward soja (1989) y Representación del espacio Henri Lefebvre (1991); a través de los cuales se determinan las categorías para responder a los objetivos planteados. Asimismo, se trabajó con las personas del sector peletero que trabajan con material de calzado del barrio el llano en la ciudad de San José de Cúcuta, con 4 dueños de peleterías, el presidente de la Asociación de peleteros, 5 empleados tanto hombres como mujeres. Bajo la metodología en la cual se basó la investigación desde un paradigma interpretativo, enfoque cualitativo y diseño etnográfico a partir de instrumentos de recolección de datos como lo son la entrevista, la observación y la historia de vida. Los principales hallazgos que se encontraron dentro de estos espacios comerciales se manifiestan estos elementos como lo son las relaciones sociales y el contexto geográfico al cual estas personas pertenecen y cómo influyen en él día a día; de esta manera el espacio social hace referencia su ambiente cultural, social, económico entre otras. Mediante el cual los dueños de peleterías, presidente de la Asociación de peleteros y empleados en la investigación expresan como la espacialidad influye en la identidad laboral, donde muestran la importancia del ámbito peletero como foco de comercialización en la ciudad de Cúcuta, en el que ha sido beneficio para ciertas personas o familias que han pasado por diferentes situaciones de bajos ingresos y asimismo surgir como un sector reconocido al buscar iniciativas para seguir con sus empresas.
In this research project seeks to know the commercial spaces of footwear material that build labor identity in the plain neighborhood of the city of San José de Cúcuta, to highlight the spatialization of the leather sector of supplies for footwear, for which it is took as theoretical references the contributions given from Lefebvre's theory of the production of space (1974), The spatiality of social life Edward soja (1989) and Representation of space Henri Lefebvre (1991); Through which the categories are determined to respond to the stated objectives. Likewise, we worked with people from the fur sector who work with footwear material from the el llano neighborhood in the city of San José de Cúcuta, with 4 furrier owners, the president of the Furriers Association, 5 employees, both men and women. Under the methodology on which the research was based from an interpretive paradigm, qualitative approach and ethnographic design from data collection instruments such as interview, observation and life history. The main findings that were found within these commercial spaces are manifested by these elements such as social relationships and the geographical context to which these people belong and how they influence it day by day; In this way, the social space refers to its cultural, social, and economic environment, among others. Through which the owners of furriers, president of the Association of furriers and employees in the investigation express how spatiality influences labor identity, where they show the importance of the furrier sector as a focus of commercialization in the city of Cúcuta, in which it has It has been a benefit for certain people or families who have gone through different low-income situations and also emerge as a recognized sector when seeking initiatives to continue with their companies
In this research project seeks to know the commercial spaces of footwear material that build labor identity in the plain neighborhood of the city of San José de Cúcuta, to highlight the spatialization of the leather sector of supplies for footwear, for which it is took as theoretical references the contributions given from Lefebvre's theory of the production of space (1974), The spatiality of social life Edward soja (1989) and Representation of space Henri Lefebvre (1991); Through which the categories are determined to respond to the stated objectives. Likewise, we worked with people from the fur sector who work with footwear material from the el llano neighborhood in the city of San José de Cúcuta, with 4 furrier owners, the president of the Furriers Association, 5 employees, both men and women. Under the methodology on which the research was based from an interpretive paradigm, qualitative approach and ethnographic design from data collection instruments such as interview, observation and life history. The main findings that were found within these commercial spaces are manifested by these elements such as social relationships and the geographical context to which these people belong and how they influence it day by day; In this way, the social space refers to its cultural, social, and economic environment, among others. Through which the owners of furriers, president of the Association of furriers and employees in the investigation express how spatiality influences labor identity, where they show the importance of the furrier sector as a focus of commercialization in the city of Cúcuta, in which it has It has been a benefit for certain people or families who have gone through different low-income situations and also emerge as a recognized sector when seeking initiatives to continue with their companies
Palabras clave
Identidad laboral, Espacio social, Sector peletero, Calzado, Comercio, Labor identity, Social space, Fur sector, Footwear, Trade