Caracterización del riesgo asociado a la exposición a campos electromagnéticos en el Caribe colombiano 2020
Arroyo Payares, Melina Andrea
Moreno Miranda, Ana Sofía
Rojas López, Valentina
Villamil Mancilla, Marelys
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Los campos eléctricos (CE) tienen su origen en las cargas que existen en la naturaleza. Los campos magnéticos (CM) en las corrientes eléctricas, o sea, en el movimiento de cargas eléctricas que pueden aparecer cuando se pone en marcha un aparato eléctrico y fluye la corriente; cuanto mayor sea la intensidad de esta, mayor será la del campo magnético
Objetivos: identificar riesgos en la salud asociado a exposición a campos electromagnéticos en el caribe colombiano 2020
Materiales y Métodos: El presente trabajo de investigación tiene un enfoque cuantitativo, descriptivo, de corte trasversal, 301 participantes personas habitantes de la región caribe, criterios de inclusión se consideraron los habitantes que manifestaron participar voluntariamente del estudio, se trabajó con habitantes que llevaban más de 3 meses viviendo en la región ; criterios de exclusión se tuvo en cuenta habitantes que no desearon participar del estudio, habitantes que no llevaban más de 3 meses viviendo en la región, habitantes de otras regiones.
Para el presente trabajo se utilizó encuesta una vez aprobado, cada participante conto con libre participación mediante el consentimiento informado de cada uno de ellos donde se explicó de forma sencilla y clara los objetivos del proyecto. Se procedió a recoger la información y la aplicación del instrumento esto se hizo a través de medios digitales como correos electrónicos de los participantes que fueron captados previamente para el diligenciamiento y se hizo un seguimiento y motivación.
Electric fields (EC) have their origin in charges that exist in nature. Magnetic fields (CM) in electric currents, that is, in the movement of electric charges that can appear when an electrical device is started and the current flows; the greater the intensity of this, the greater the magnetic field Objectives: identify health risks associated with exposure to electromagnetic fields in the Colombian Caribbean 2020 Materials and Methods: The present research work has a quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional approach, 301 participants people living in the Caribbean region, inclusion criteria were considered the inhabitants who declared to participate voluntarily in the study, we worked with inhabitants who had more 3 months living in the region; Exclusion criteria took into account inhabitants who did not wish to participate in the study, inhabitants who had not lived in the region for more than 3 months, and inhabitants from other regions. For the present work, a survey was used once approved, each participant had free participation through the informed consent of each one of them where the objectives of the project were explained in a simple and clear way. The information was collected and the instrument was applied, this was done through digital means such as emails from the participants that were previously captured for the completion and a follow-up and motivation was carried out.
Electric fields (EC) have their origin in charges that exist in nature. Magnetic fields (CM) in electric currents, that is, in the movement of electric charges that can appear when an electrical device is started and the current flows; the greater the intensity of this, the greater the magnetic field Objectives: identify health risks associated with exposure to electromagnetic fields in the Colombian Caribbean 2020 Materials and Methods: The present research work has a quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional approach, 301 participants people living in the Caribbean region, inclusion criteria were considered the inhabitants who declared to participate voluntarily in the study, we worked with inhabitants who had more 3 months living in the region; Exclusion criteria took into account inhabitants who did not wish to participate in the study, inhabitants who had not lived in the region for more than 3 months, and inhabitants from other regions. For the present work, a survey was used once approved, each participant had free participation through the informed consent of each one of them where the objectives of the project were explained in a simple and clear way. The information was collected and the instrument was applied, this was done through digital means such as emails from the participants that were previously captured for the completion and a follow-up and motivation was carried out.
Palabras clave
Riesgo, Radiación, Salud, Magnetismo, Risk, Radiation, Health, Magnetism