Organización social del cuidado a partir de las experiencias de las mujeres migrantes Venezolanas asentadas en el municipio de Sincelejo durante el período 2020-I.
González Martelo, Victoria Eugenia
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Las migraciones internacionales se han convertido en un gran escenario social en el que confluyen varios actores, su creciente aumento en un mundo globalizado, explica el posicionamiento como un tema en la agenda mundial (Organización Internacional para las Migraciones, OIM, 2018). En este orden de ideas, la familia no ha sido ajena a los procesos migratorios, la presente investigación se inserta dentro de un paradigma transnacional
Respecto a esto, el propósito central de este trabajo es analizar la organización social del cuidado a partir de las experiencias de las mujeres migrantes venezolanas asentadas en el municipio de Sincelejo durante el período 2020-I. Se trata de una investigación de carácter cualitativo, en la que se realizaron 4 entrevistas en profundidad a mujeres migrantes venezolanas con hijos e hijas, asentadas en Sincelejo a quienes se les preguntó sobre sus experiencias en relación con la organización social del cuidado. La puesta en marcha de esta propuesta de investigación contribuye a la creciente literatura sobre los procesos, dinámicas y factores migratorios que cada vez están más presentes en la realidad social mundial, permitiendo visualizar las percepciones que tienen las mujeres frente al proceso migratorio y buscará conocer la realidad migratoria para brindar herramientas que permitan una integración de las mujeres en el país o lugar de llegada.
International migrations have become a great social scene in which various actors converge and, its continuous increase, in a globalized world, explains its positioning as an issue on the world agenda. (Organización Internacional para las Migraciones, OIM, 2018). In this same vein, family has not been indifferent to migratory processes. This research is inserted within a transnational paradigm, whose main purpose is to analize the Social Organization of Care based on the Experiences of Venezuelan Migrant Women Settled in the Municipality of Sincelejo in the First Semester, 2020. This is a qualitative research, in which four in-depth interviews were applied to Venezuelan migrant women with children settled in Sincelejo. They were asked about their day to day experiences in relation to the social organization of care.The implementation of this research proposal contributes to both the growing literature on the dynamics, factors and migratory processes, that are increasingly present in the global social reality, and the visualization of the perceptions that these Venezuelan women have regarding the migratory process, and thus, to get to know their migratory reality, so that tools, that allow them to integrate in the city or another place in the country, can be proposed.
International migrations have become a great social scene in which various actors converge and, its continuous increase, in a globalized world, explains its positioning as an issue on the world agenda. (Organización Internacional para las Migraciones, OIM, 2018). In this same vein, family has not been indifferent to migratory processes. This research is inserted within a transnational paradigm, whose main purpose is to analize the Social Organization of Care based on the Experiences of Venezuelan Migrant Women Settled in the Municipality of Sincelejo in the First Semester, 2020. This is a qualitative research, in which four in-depth interviews were applied to Venezuelan migrant women with children settled in Sincelejo. They were asked about their day to day experiences in relation to the social organization of care.The implementation of this research proposal contributes to both the growing literature on the dynamics, factors and migratory processes, that are increasingly present in the global social reality, and the visualization of the perceptions that these Venezuelan women have regarding the migratory process, and thus, to get to know their migratory reality, so that tools, that allow them to integrate in the city or another place in the country, can be proposed.
Palabras clave
Migración, Migración internacional, Feminización de las migraciones, Organización social del cuidado