Competencias genéricas en estudiantes de educación superior de una universidad privada de Barranquilla Colombia, desde la perspectiva del Proyecto Alfa Tuning América Latina y del Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia (MEN)
Maury Mena, Sara Concepción
Marín Escobar, Juan Carlos
Ortiz Padilla, Miriam
Gravini Donado, Marbel
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Asociacion de Profesionales y Tecnicos del CONICIT.
El propósito del artículo es describir el nivel de
importancia y desarrollo de las competencias genéricas
desde la percepción de un grupo de estudiantes de
educación superior de Barranquilla, Colombia. Las
competencias aquí tratadas se abordan desde la
perspectiva del proyecto Alfa Tuning América Latina y
del Ministerio de Educación (MEN) de Colombia. Se
encontró que los estudiantes de pregrado de los últimos
semestres al afrontar las profundas transformaciones y desafíos de la Sociedad del Conocimiento, consideran
altamente valiosas las competencias genéricas, pero se
enfrentan a una situación académica donde algunas de
ellas han sido menos desarrolladas como el
pensamiento matemático y la alfabetización
cuantitativa, la comunicación en una segunda lengua y
el compromiso con la preservación del medio ambiente.
The purpose of the article is to describe the level of importance and development of generic competences from the perception of a group of students of higher education in Barranquilla, Colombia. The competences discussed here are addressed from the perspective of the Alfa Tuning Latin America project and the Ministry of Education (MEN) of Colombia. It was found that the undergraduate students of the last semesters in facing the profound transformations and challenges of the Knowledge Society, consider the generic competences as highly valuable, but they face an academic situation where some of them have been less developed as the mathematical thought and quantitative literacy, communication in a second language, and commitment to preserving the environment.
The purpose of the article is to describe the level of importance and development of generic competences from the perception of a group of students of higher education in Barranquilla, Colombia. The competences discussed here are addressed from the perspective of the Alfa Tuning Latin America project and the Ministry of Education (MEN) of Colombia. It was found that the undergraduate students of the last semesters in facing the profound transformations and challenges of the Knowledge Society, consider the generic competences as highly valuable, but they face an academic situation where some of them have been less developed as the mathematical thought and quantitative literacy, communication in a second language, and commitment to preserving the environment.
Palabras clave
Competencias genéricas, Educación Superior en el siglo XXI, Proyecto Tuning América Latina, Metodologías para desarrollar competencias genéricas, Generic competences, Higher Education in the 21st century, Tuning Latin America Project, Methodologies to develop generic competences