Violencia en el noviazgo y estrategias de afrontamiento en estudiantes universitarios: un análisis del fenómeno de agresión al hombre
Pérez Castro, Cindy
Rodriguez, Carolina
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo indagar en las eventuales formas y frecuencias de violencia (tanto sufrida como cometida) en las relaciones noviazgo de un grupo de jóvenes (varones) universitarios en el rango de edad de los 18 y 24 años. Asimismo, se procuró caracterizar las diferentes estrategias de afrontamiento manifestadas por ellos frente a las experiencias violentas en sus relaciones de pareja y, finalmente, determinar posibles correlaciones entre el uso de determinadas estrategias y la recurrencia de las formas de violencia. Para ello se emplearon pruebas estandarizadas (Cadri y Lazarus) y un enfoque cuantitativo. Los resultados revelaron prevalencia de violencia verbal/emocional bidireccional, sin que se pueda señalar categóricamente a los hombres el papel de perpetrador o víctima de violencia. Además, se evidenció que estos jóvenes privilegian el uso de estrategias de afrontamiento orientadas a la búsqueda de estabilización emocional sobre las estrategias orientadas al problema. En cuanto a las correlaciones, se hallaron cuatro patrones conductuales estructurados por el binomio afrontamiento-violencia.
The objective of this research was to investigate the possible forms and frequencies of violence (both suffered and committed) in the dating relationships of a group of young (male) university students in the age range of 18 and 24 years. Likewise, an attempt was made to characterize the different coping strategies manifested by them in the face of violent experiences in their relationships and, finally, to determine possible correlations between the use of certain strategies and the recurrence of forms of violence. For this, standardized tests (Cadri and Lazarus) and a quantitative approach were used. The results revealed the prevalence of bidirectional verbal / emotional violence, without being able to categorically point out to men the role of perpetrator or victim of violence. Furthermore, it was evidenced that these young people favor the use of coping strategies aimed at seeking emotional stabilization over strategies aimed at the problem. Regarding the correlations, four behavioral patterns structured by the coping-violence binomial were found.
The objective of this research was to investigate the possible forms and frequencies of violence (both suffered and committed) in the dating relationships of a group of young (male) university students in the age range of 18 and 24 years. Likewise, an attempt was made to characterize the different coping strategies manifested by them in the face of violent experiences in their relationships and, finally, to determine possible correlations between the use of certain strategies and the recurrence of forms of violence. For this, standardized tests (Cadri and Lazarus) and a quantitative approach were used. The results revealed the prevalence of bidirectional verbal / emotional violence, without being able to categorically point out to men the role of perpetrator or victim of violence. Furthermore, it was evidenced that these young people favor the use of coping strategies aimed at seeking emotional stabilization over strategies aimed at the problem. Regarding the correlations, four behavioral patterns structured by the coping-violence binomial were found.
Palabras clave
Dating violence, Estrategias de afrontamiento, Hombres, Jóvenes, Dating violence, Coping strategies, Men, Youth