Concepciones implícitas de los profesores sobre la relación emoción y aprendizaje, como aporte al pensamiento pedagógico
Peinado Ospino, Guillermo Salvador
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La educación ha pasado por diferentes etapas, al igual que el pensamiento occidental que la ha permeado. La dinámica de este pensamiento ha llevado a través de la historia al no reconocimiento de la relación emoción aprendizaje y por consiguiente a la elusión de que toda acción racional es afectada por el componente emocional. Es allí desde lo emocional donde el profesor asume las decisiones que toma en su práctica cotidiana, son precisamente estas concepciones las que direccionan en gran parte la forma como estos se relacionan con sus estudiantes y asumen el aprendizaje, y conllevan en muchas ocasiones al desánimo y al fracaso escolar. La práctica de los profesores no es un fenómeno aislado, está íntimamente relacionada con su imaginario pedagógico y este a su vez es un producto social e histórico, el discurso de los profesores es la voz de una historia encarnada ininterrumpida que les permea y condiciona. Sin embargo, este problema ha sido poco estudiado. Por lo tanto, en la presente investigación se construye la teoría sustantiva “Pensamiento pedagógico acerca de la relación emoción - aprendizaje y practicas pedagógicas complejas: Binomio recursivante”, a partir de la develación de los emergentes del discurso de los profesores y estudiantes y de las observaciones del investigador. La investigación se ampara en el paradigma histórico hermenéutico que posibilita comprender el objeto de estudio. La estrategia metodológica utilizada fue la teoría fundamentada de corte constructivista.
Education has gone through different stages, just like the western thought that has permeated it. The dynamics of this thought has led throughout history to the non- recognition of the emotion-learning relationship and therefore to the avoidance that all rational action is affected by the emotional component. It is there from the emotional point of view where the teacher assumes the decisions that he makes in his daily practice, it is precisely these conceptions that largely direct the way in which they relate to their students and assume learning, and often lead to discouragement and to school failure. Teachers' practice is not an isolated phenomenon, it is closely related to their pedagogical imaginary and this, in turn, is a social and historical product. Teachers' discourse is the voice of an uninterrupted embodied history that permeates and conditions them. However, this problem has been little studied. Therefore, in the present investigation the substantive theory "Pedagogical thought about the emotion- learning relationship and complex pedagogical practices: Recursive Binomial" is built, based on the disclosure of the emerging discourse of teachers and students and of the researcher observations. The research is based on the hermeneutic historical paradigm that makes it possible to understand the object of study. The methodological strategy used was the constructivist grounded theory.
Education has gone through different stages, just like the western thought that has permeated it. The dynamics of this thought has led throughout history to the non- recognition of the emotion-learning relationship and therefore to the avoidance that all rational action is affected by the emotional component. It is there from the emotional point of view where the teacher assumes the decisions that he makes in his daily practice, it is precisely these conceptions that largely direct the way in which they relate to their students and assume learning, and often lead to discouragement and to school failure. Teachers' practice is not an isolated phenomenon, it is closely related to their pedagogical imaginary and this, in turn, is a social and historical product. Teachers' discourse is the voice of an uninterrupted embodied history that permeates and conditions them. However, this problem has been little studied. Therefore, in the present investigation the substantive theory "Pedagogical thought about the emotion- learning relationship and complex pedagogical practices: Recursive Binomial" is built, based on the disclosure of the emerging discourse of teachers and students and of the researcher observations. The research is based on the hermeneutic historical paradigm that makes it possible to understand the object of study. The methodological strategy used was the constructivist grounded theory.
Palabras clave
Concepciones implícitas, Emoción del profesor, Aprendizaje, Pensamiento pedagógico, Implicit conceptions, Emotion teacher, Emotion, Learning, Pedagogical thinking