Secuencia didáctica inclusiva para el área de ciencias sociales grado sexto en el contexto fronterizo colombo-venezolano (I.E. Divina Pastora)
Jaúregui Prato, Andres Javier
Rolón Perez, Nancy Johanna
De Los Ríos Garavito, Cristina Isabel
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La pedagogía de las Ciencias Sociales ha venido evolucionando con la misma sociedad, confrontando los avances de las otras ciencias, en especial de la tecnología. Pero también de las crisis y los conflictos sociales, económicos y políticos que ocasionan muchas veces el desplazamiento forzado o la migración masiva de millones de ciudadanos de su patria, como ha sido el caso de Venezuela; en este sentido, el sistema educativo colombiano ha venido atendiendo a muchos de estos niños en las escuelas e instituciones educativas, los cuales no traen los presaberes necesarios en el caso de la historia o la geografía de Colombia, además de enfrentar actitudes de discriminación y/o rechazo, generándoles una mayor dificultad. Por eso el objetivo general de este estudio fue: Proponer una Secuencia Didáctica Inclusiva en el Contexto Fronterizo Colombo-venezolano que fortalezca el aprendizaje en el Área de Ciencias Sociales de los estudiantes del Sexto Grado. Lo cual se llevó a cabo bajo el Paradigma Socio-Critico, un enfoque cualitativo y un diseño narrativo, aplicando técnicas como el grupo focal con los estudiantes y la entrevista semiestructurada con los docentes, junto con la observación participante y el análisis de contenido. Los resultados dieron paso a categorías emergentes como: el enfoque inclusivo de las Ciencias Sociales en contextos fronterizos, Factores de riesgo o vulnerabilidad a ser controlados y la utilidad de la didáctica en las Ciencias Sociales. Las cuales fueron contempladas al momento de formular las estrategias y las actividades de la Secuencia Didáctica, así como sus componentes cognitivo, procedimental y actitudinal. De esta manera, cada una de las estrategias desarrolladas en esta secuencia didáctica, fortalecerá el sentido de pertenencia de los estudiantes connacionales como de los migrantes, así como su relación entre pares, al demostrar que: “Tú y yo: un nosotros, porque no somos tan diferentes”.
The pedagogy of Social Sciences has been evolving with society itself, confronting the advances of other sciences, especially technology. But also of the social, economic and political crises and conflicts that often cause the forced displacement or massive migration of millions of citizens from their homeland, as has been the case in Venezuela; In this sense, the Colombian educational system has been serving many of these children in schools and educational institutions, who do not bring the necessary pre-knowledge in the case of the history or geography of Colombia, in addition to facing attitudes of discrimination and/or or rejection, generating greater difficulty. Therefore, the general objective of this study was: to design an Inclusive Didactic Sequence in the Colombo-Venezuelan Border Context that strengthens learning in the Social Sciences Area of Sixth Grade students. Which was carried out under the Socio-Critical Paradigm, a qualitative approach and a narrative design, applying techniques such as the focus group with students and the semi-structured interview with teachers, together with participant observation and content analysis. The results gave way to emerging categories such as: the inclusive approach of Social Sciences in border contexts, Risk or vulnerability factors to be controlled and the usefulness of teaching in Social Sciences. Which were contemplated when formulating the strategies and activities of the Didactic Sequence, as well as its cognitive, procedural and attitudinal components. In this way, each one of the strategies developed in this didactic sequence strengthened the sense of belonging of the compatriot students as well as of the migrants, as well as their relationship between peers, by demonstrating that: "You and me: a us because we are not so different”.
The pedagogy of Social Sciences has been evolving with society itself, confronting the advances of other sciences, especially technology. But also of the social, economic and political crises and conflicts that often cause the forced displacement or massive migration of millions of citizens from their homeland, as has been the case in Venezuela; In this sense, the Colombian educational system has been serving many of these children in schools and educational institutions, who do not bring the necessary pre-knowledge in the case of the history or geography of Colombia, in addition to facing attitudes of discrimination and/or or rejection, generating greater difficulty. Therefore, the general objective of this study was: to design an Inclusive Didactic Sequence in the Colombo-Venezuelan Border Context that strengthens learning in the Social Sciences Area of Sixth Grade students. Which was carried out under the Socio-Critical Paradigm, a qualitative approach and a narrative design, applying techniques such as the focus group with students and the semi-structured interview with teachers, together with participant observation and content analysis. The results gave way to emerging categories such as: the inclusive approach of Social Sciences in border contexts, Risk or vulnerability factors to be controlled and the usefulness of teaching in Social Sciences. Which were contemplated when formulating the strategies and activities of the Didactic Sequence, as well as its cognitive, procedural and attitudinal components. In this way, each one of the strategies developed in this didactic sequence strengthened the sense of belonging of the compatriot students as well as of the migrants, as well as their relationship between peers, by demonstrating that: "You and me: a us because we are not so different”.
Palabras clave
Ciencias Sociales, Didáctica, Educación inclusiva, Pedagogía, Población migrante, Social sciences, Didactics, Inclusive education, Pedagogy, Migrant population