Estudio del Teletrabajo en Colombia como aporte al desarrollo económico laboral
Gómez Medina, Simón José
Jaramillo Camacho, María José
Mercado Stand, Hernando José
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El objetivo fue describir el teletrabajo en Colombia como aporte al desarrollo
económico laboral. Se fundamenta en investigaciones y estudios realizados en
Colombia, así como la Ley 1221 de 2008 (julio 16) del Ministerio de Trabajo Diario
Oficial No. 47.052 de 16 de julio de 2008. El artículo enmarca sus orígenes,
características, la legislación colombiana frente a esta modalidad, presentando las
condiciones que se deben tener en cuenta para su implementación y cómo a
través de los años ha evolucionado. Se basa en un diseño de tipo documental con
un nivel analítico-descriptivo. Como conclusión se tiene que el teletrabajo en
Colombia ha traído un cambio de estructura laboral que conlleva a que las
organizaciones puedan tener un contrato laboral donde el trabajador pueda tener
independencia para organizar el lugar y tiempo para realizar sus labores, donde
puede tener espacio para otras facetas de su vida y a las organizaciones pueden
ahorrar entre un 60% a un 80% en sus costos inmobiliarios al implantar estrategias
flexibles en sus lugares de trabajo. De esta forma, se puede conseguir un
beneficio para la empresa ya que los trabajadores aumentan su productividad al
no perder tiempo en trayectos hacia la oficina, tráfico o algún problema que pueda
presentarse camino al trabajo.
The objective was to describe teleworking in Colombia as a contribution to labor economic development. It is based on research and studies carried out in Colombia, as well as Law 1221 of 2008 (July 16) of the Ministry of Labor Official Gazette No. 47.052 of July 16, 2008. The article frames its origins, characteristics, Colombian legislation against to this modality, presenting the conditions that must be taken into account for its implementation and how it has evolved over the years. It is based on a documentary type design with an analytical-descriptive level. As a conclusion, telecommuting brings in Colombia has brought a change in labor structure that leads to organizations having an employment contract where the worker can have independence to organize the place and time to perform their work, where they can have space to Other facets of your life and organizations can save between 60% and 80% on their real estate costs by implementing flexible strategies in their workplaces. In this way, you can get a benefit for the company as workers increase their productivity by not wasting time on trips to the office, traffic or any problem that may arise on the way to work.
The objective was to describe teleworking in Colombia as a contribution to labor economic development. It is based on research and studies carried out in Colombia, as well as Law 1221 of 2008 (July 16) of the Ministry of Labor Official Gazette No. 47.052 of July 16, 2008. The article frames its origins, characteristics, Colombian legislation against to this modality, presenting the conditions that must be taken into account for its implementation and how it has evolved over the years. It is based on a documentary type design with an analytical-descriptive level. As a conclusion, telecommuting brings in Colombia has brought a change in labor structure that leads to organizations having an employment contract where the worker can have independence to organize the place and time to perform their work, where they can have space to Other facets of your life and organizations can save between 60% and 80% on their real estate costs by implementing flexible strategies in their workplaces. In this way, you can get a benefit for the company as workers increase their productivity by not wasting time on trips to the office, traffic or any problem that may arise on the way to work.
Palabras clave
Teletrabajo, Laboral, Economía, Telecommuting, Labor, Economy