Dependencia emocional y satisfacción marital en mujeres víctimas de violencia doméstica en la ciudad de Cúcuta, Norte de Santander
Arias Contreras, Jennifer Yazmiht
Petriglieri Vela, Rosa María
Rozo Sánchez, Ana Yaritza
Ramírez Bayona, Estefanía
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El objetivo de la investigación titulada dependencia emocional y satisfacción marital en mujeres víctimas de violencia doméstica en la ciudad de Cúcuta, norte de Santander, tiene como objetivo principal analizar la relación entre la dependencia emocional y satisfacción marital en mujeres víctimas de violencia doméstica en la ciudad de Cúcuta, norte de Santander, la metodología utilizada fue cuantitativa, correlacional de corte trasversal diseño no experimental, alcance descriptivo, la muestra fueron 30 mujeres que tenían entre los 18 a los 35 años de edad que conviven con su pareja, esposo o conyugue, de la comuna 7 de la ciudad de Cúcuta departamento Norte de Santander. Los resultados que obtuvieron las autoras Se evidencia que mujeres en edades muy tempranas conviven con su pareja y se debe a varios factores emocionales, económicos y sociales, las dos variables que fueron analizadas se evidencia unas dimensiones más afectadas que otras como lo son la autonomía, economía satisfacción lo cual inciden negativamente en el bienestar psicológico y físico, así mismo las respectiva concusiones fue que se evidencio en los resultados obtenido en la investigación si existe una correlación entre las variables de dependencia emocional y satisfacían marital en mujeres de la ciudad de Cúcuta, departamento norte de Santander, puesto que es una problemática que afecta de manera directa a las mujeres de Colombia
The main objective of the research entitled emotional dependence and marital satisfaction in women victims of domestic violence in the city of Cúcuta, north of Santander, has as its main objective to analyze the relationship between emotional dependence and marital satisfaction in women victims of domestic violence in the city from Cúcuta, north of Santander, the methodology used was quantitative, cross-sectional correlational, non-experimental design, descriptive scope, the sample was 30 women who were between 18 and 35 years of age who live with their partner, husband or spouse, from commune 7 of the city of Cúcuta, Norte de Santander department. The results obtained by the authors It is evident that women at very early ages live with their partner and it is due to various emotional, economic and social factors, the two variables that were analyzed show some dimensions more affected than others such as autonomy, economy satisfaction which negatively affect psychological and physical well-being, likewise the respective concussions was that it was evidenced in the results obtained in the research if there is a correlation between the variables of emotional dependence and marital satisfaction in women from the city of Cúcuta, Northern department of Santander, since it is a problem that directly affects women in Colombia.
The main objective of the research entitled emotional dependence and marital satisfaction in women victims of domestic violence in the city of Cúcuta, north of Santander, has as its main objective to analyze the relationship between emotional dependence and marital satisfaction in women victims of domestic violence in the city from Cúcuta, north of Santander, the methodology used was quantitative, cross-sectional correlational, non-experimental design, descriptive scope, the sample was 30 women who were between 18 and 35 years of age who live with their partner, husband or spouse, from commune 7 of the city of Cúcuta, Norte de Santander department. The results obtained by the authors It is evident that women at very early ages live with their partner and it is due to various emotional, economic and social factors, the two variables that were analyzed show some dimensions more affected than others such as autonomy, economy satisfaction which negatively affect psychological and physical well-being, likewise the respective concussions was that it was evidenced in the results obtained in the research if there is a correlation between the variables of emotional dependence and marital satisfaction in women from the city of Cúcuta, Northern department of Santander, since it is a problem that directly affects women in Colombia.
Palabras clave
Satisfacción marital, Dependencia marital, Mujeres, Violencia, Dimensiones, Marital satisfaction, Marital dependence, Women, Violence, Dimensions