El principio de indeterminación aplicado en la responsabilidad médica derivada de la lex artis
Palacios Villamizar, Johanna Paola
Díaz Blanco, Angélica Paola
Ramírez Cáceres, Edith Lucero
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En el presente artículo se analiza como el principio de indeterminación es aplicado en la responsabilidad médica debido a la positivización que se ha dado a ciertas conductas de los médicos frente a la prestación de sus servicios a los pacientes. Lo anterior, ha generado que la obligación que desde hace tiempo se modifique pasando de una obligación de medios a una obligación de resultado. La labor investigativa para la construcción de este artículo estuvo orientada por un objetivo general que fue el analizar la aplicabilidad del principio de indeterminación en la responsabilidad médica, para la consecución de ese objetivo, se establecieron como presupuestos específicos (i) Examinar los fundamentos del principio de indeterminación, (ii) conocer la relación del principio de indeterminación en la responsabilidad médica y, finalmente (iii) comprender la aplicación del principio de indeterminación en la responsabilidad medica derivada de la lex artis
In this article, we analyze how the principle of indeterminacy is applied in medical responsibility due to the positivization that has been given to certain behaviors of physicians in relation to the provision of their services to patients. The foregoing has generated the obligation that has been modified for some time, from an obligation of means to an obligation of result. The investigative work for the construction of this article was guided by a general objective that was to analyze the applicability of the principle of indetermination in medical responsibility, to achieve that goal, were established as specific budgets (i) Examine the fundamentals of the principle of indetermination, (ii) knowing the relation of the principle of indetermination in medical responsibility and, finally (iii) understanding the application of the principle of indeterminacy in medical liability derived from the lexartis
In this article, we analyze how the principle of indeterminacy is applied in medical responsibility due to the positivization that has been given to certain behaviors of physicians in relation to the provision of their services to patients. The foregoing has generated the obligation that has been modified for some time, from an obligation of means to an obligation of result. The investigative work for the construction of this article was guided by a general objective that was to analyze the applicability of the principle of indetermination in medical responsibility, to achieve that goal, were established as specific budgets (i) Examine the fundamentals of the principle of indetermination, (ii) knowing the relation of the principle of indetermination in medical responsibility and, finally (iii) understanding the application of the principle of indeterminacy in medical liability derived from the lexartis
Palabras clave
Indeterminación, Responsabilidad médica, Conducta, Positivización, Obligación, Indeterminacy, Medical responsibility, Conduct, Positivization, Obligation