Derechos sexuales en estudiantes universitarios de séptimo semestre del programa de psicología de la Universidad Simón Bolívar sede Barranquilla
Hernández Gravier, Madid Katerine
Gómez Vega, María Camila
Reales Coronado, Luis Felipe
Sierra Ricaurte, Beatriz Inés
Suárez Manga, Daniela
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente trabajo, derechos sexuales en estudiantes universitarios de séptimo
semestre del programa de psicología de la Universidad Simón Bolívar sede
Barranquilla, tiene como objetivo general determinar la información que tienen los
jóvenes universitarios en cuanto a los derechos sexuales.
Dentro de esta investigación se tuvo en cuenta las consideraciones del Ministerio
de Salud y Protección Social sobre la sexualidad ubicándola como una dimensión
prioritaria en la vida de las personas. Se espera que su ejercicio esté anclado en la
práctica de los derechos humanos y la garantía de los derechos sexuales. En
Colombia todavía tenemos muchos problemas relacionados con la sexualidad,
pero el Estado, las instituciones educativas y las políticas desarrolladas han
logrado avances cada vez más importantes en la comprensión de las diferentes
visiones sobre la sexualidad y sus enfoques. Esto se refleja en la inclusión de los
temas de género, derechos y diferentes enfoques como aspectos esenciales para
lograr una salud sexual y reproductiva plena, segura, digna y responsable para
todas las personas en Colombia. Sin embargo, en los resultados encontramos
vacíos en la formación por lo que destacamos la necesidad de que las
instituciones universitarias desarrollen un mayor compromiso con los derechos
sexuales de la poblaciòn estudiantil.
El Fondo de población de las Naciones Unidas, trabaja para conseguir un mundo
en el que todos los embarazos sean deseados, todos los nacimientos sean
seguros y el potencial de todas las personas jóvenes sea aprovechado. Él UNFPA
trabaja en más de 150 países y expande las posibilidades para que las mujeres y
los jóvenes puedan llevar vidas saludables y productivas.
Los Derechos Sexuales son interpretados por Profamilia como aquellos Derechos
Humanos y en el cual su finalidad es garantizar que todas las personas puedan
vivir libres de discriminación, riesgos, amenazas, coerciones y violencia en el
campo de la sexualidad.
The present work, sexual rights in university students of the seventh semester of the psychology program of the Simón Bolívar University, Barranquilla, has as a general objective to determine the information that university students have regarding sexual rights. Within this investigation, it will be taken into account that the Ministry of Health and Social Protection considers sexuality as a priority dimension in people's lives. Its exercise is expected to be anchored in the practice of human rights and the guarantee of sexual rights. In Colombia we still have many problems related to sexuality, but the State, the institutions and the developed policies have made increasingly important advances in understanding the different views on sexuality and their approaches. This is reflected in the inclusion of gender, rights and different approaches as essential aspects to achieve complete, safe, dignified and responsible sexual and reproductive health for all people in Colombia. The United Nations Population Fund works towards a world in which all pregnancies are wanted, all births are safe and the potential of all young people is harnessed. He UNFPA works in more than 150 countries and expands the possibilities for women and young people to lead healthy and productive lives. Sexual Rights are interpreted by Profamilia as those Human Rights and in which its purpose is to guarantee that all people can live free from discrimination, risks, threats, coercion and violence in the field of sexuality.
The present work, sexual rights in university students of the seventh semester of the psychology program of the Simón Bolívar University, Barranquilla, has as a general objective to determine the information that university students have regarding sexual rights. Within this investigation, it will be taken into account that the Ministry of Health and Social Protection considers sexuality as a priority dimension in people's lives. Its exercise is expected to be anchored in the practice of human rights and the guarantee of sexual rights. In Colombia we still have many problems related to sexuality, but the State, the institutions and the developed policies have made increasingly important advances in understanding the different views on sexuality and their approaches. This is reflected in the inclusion of gender, rights and different approaches as essential aspects to achieve complete, safe, dignified and responsible sexual and reproductive health for all people in Colombia. The United Nations Population Fund works towards a world in which all pregnancies are wanted, all births are safe and the potential of all young people is harnessed. He UNFPA works in more than 150 countries and expands the possibilities for women and young people to lead healthy and productive lives. Sexual Rights are interpreted by Profamilia as those Human Rights and in which its purpose is to guarantee that all people can live free from discrimination, risks, threats, coercion and violence in the field of sexuality.
Palabras clave
Sexualidad, Derechos, Universitarios, Educación, Embarazos no deseados, Derechos sexuales, Sexuality, Rights, University students, Education, Unwanted pregnancies, Sexual rights