Estrategias ecopedagógicas para la resignificación de la práctica de los maestros en la escuela Normal Superior de Manatí - Atlántico
Barraza Ávila, Bladimir Javier
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La importancia de la Ecopedagogía y la resignificación de la práctica pedagógica de los
maestros en formación es identificar, describir, seleccionar e implementar las estrategias en el
currículo educativo. Cabe destacar que la metodología implementada se basó en el paradigma critico
social con un enfoque cualitativo de tipo descriptivo; centrado en la técnica análisis documental, grupo
focal con sus instrumentos ficha bibliográficas y guion de entrevista, reflejando o evidenciando, la
integración de la educación ambiental en el currículo STEM asegurando que los maestros en
formación adquieran una comprensión profunda de los principios ecopedagógicos y su aplicación
práctica, a través de proyectos ecológicos, como huertas escolares, jardinería, reforestación y
gestión de residuos sólidos, debe ser una prioridad, adaptándose a las características geográficas y
culturales del territorio, fomentando el uso de herramientas digitales y la investigación científica
para enriquecer el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, permitiendo a los estudiantes explorar y
comprender los desafíos ambientales de manera interactiva y colaborativa; La formación de líderes
ambientales a través de actividades prácticas Freire 1997. y proyectos significativos es esencial
para desarrollar competencias y habilidades en metodologías participativas. Promoviendo un
enfoque flexible y adaptativo que incorpore diversas perspectivas y prácticas, facilitando la
creación de ambientes de aprendizaje motivadores y la formación de una comunidad educativa
comprometida con la sostenibilidad, de las escuelas en el cono sur del departamento del Atlántico,
en donde los maestros en formación ejercen sus prácticas pedagógicas e investigativa. Les permitirá
conocer con precisión algunas causas que están generando una problemática ambiental en la
institución, municipio, región y mundial es el maestro en formación en coordinación con el docente
de aula, estudiantes, directivo docente y comunidad educativa desarrollar las estrategias eco
pedagógicas para minimizar los agentes que están provocando este daño en el planeta, de acuerdo a
las políticas ambientales que se imparten en el país, y las regiones Colombianas acorde a las
propuestas generada por la UNESCO en la preservación y cuidado de la naturaleza la exigencias del
nuevo milenio como los objetivos de desarrollo sostenibles y la carta de la tierra. Resaltando los
tipos de estrategias de Aprendizaje basado en proyectos y aprendizaje colaborativo para
implementar proyectos ambientales que involucren a los estudiantes en actividades prácticas y
colaborativas, y el pensamiento crítico, permitiendo a los maestros aplicar sus conocimientos en
contextos reales, desarrollando habilidades prácticas y una comprensión más profunda de los temas
ambientales. De conformidad con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la agenda 2030, siendo
capaces de combinar algunos aspectos del territorio en lo concerniente a los compromiso sociales,
culturales, ambientales y políticos, de acuerdo a los procesos de información, investigación,
evaluación, y extensión, del contexto en el cual se desempeñe de conformidad con el decreto 1236
de 2020 del MEN.
The importance of Ecopedagogy and the resignification of the pedagogical practice of teachers in training is to identify, describe, select and implement strategies in the educational curriculum. It should be noted that the methodology implemented was based on the social critical paradigm with a descriptive qualitative approach; centered on the documentary analysis technique, focus group with its instruments, bibliographic record and interview script, reflecting or evidencing the integration of environmental education in the STEM curriculum, ensuring that teachers in training acquire a deep understanding of the ecopedagogical principles and their practical application, through ecological projects, such as school gardens, gardening, reforestation and school management, gardening, reforestation and solid waste management, should be a priority, adapting to the geographical and cultural characteristics of the territory, encouraging the use of digital tools and scientific research to enrich the teaching-learning process, allowing students to explore and understand environmental challenges in an interactive and collaborative way; The training of environmental leaders through practical activities Freire 1997. and meaningful projects is essential to develop competencies and skills in participatory methodologies. Promoting a flexible and adaptive approach that incorporates diverse perspectives and practices, facilitating the creation of motivating learning environments and the formation of an educational community committed to sustainability, of the schools in the southern cone of the department of Atlántico, where teachers in training exercise their pedagogical and investigative practices. It will allow them to know with precision some causes that are generating an environmental problem in the institution, municipality, region and worldwide is the teacher in training in coordination with the classroom teacher, students, teacher manager and educational community to develop the eco-pedagogical strategies to minimize the agents that are causing this damage on the planet, according to the environmental policies that are taught in the country, and the Colombian regions according to the proposals generated by UNESCO in the preservation and care of nature and the demands of the new millennium as the sustainable development goals and the Earth Charter. Highlighting the types of project-based learning and collaborative learning strategies to implement environmental projects that involve students in practical and collaborative activities, and critical thinking, allowing teachers to apply their knowledge in real contexts, developing practical skills and a deeper understanding of environmental issues.In accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 agenda, being able to combine some aspects of the territory concerning social, cultural, environmental and political commitments, according to the processes of information, research, evaluation, and extension, of the context in which it performs in accordance with decree 1236 of 2020 of the MEN. Key
The importance of Ecopedagogy and the resignification of the pedagogical practice of teachers in training is to identify, describe, select and implement strategies in the educational curriculum. It should be noted that the methodology implemented was based on the social critical paradigm with a descriptive qualitative approach; centered on the documentary analysis technique, focus group with its instruments, bibliographic record and interview script, reflecting or evidencing the integration of environmental education in the STEM curriculum, ensuring that teachers in training acquire a deep understanding of the ecopedagogical principles and their practical application, through ecological projects, such as school gardens, gardening, reforestation and school management, gardening, reforestation and solid waste management, should be a priority, adapting to the geographical and cultural characteristics of the territory, encouraging the use of digital tools and scientific research to enrich the teaching-learning process, allowing students to explore and understand environmental challenges in an interactive and collaborative way; The training of environmental leaders through practical activities Freire 1997. and meaningful projects is essential to develop competencies and skills in participatory methodologies. Promoting a flexible and adaptive approach that incorporates diverse perspectives and practices, facilitating the creation of motivating learning environments and the formation of an educational community committed to sustainability, of the schools in the southern cone of the department of Atlántico, where teachers in training exercise their pedagogical and investigative practices. It will allow them to know with precision some causes that are generating an environmental problem in the institution, municipality, region and worldwide is the teacher in training in coordination with the classroom teacher, students, teacher manager and educational community to develop the eco-pedagogical strategies to minimize the agents that are causing this damage on the planet, according to the environmental policies that are taught in the country, and the Colombian regions according to the proposals generated by UNESCO in the preservation and care of nature and the demands of the new millennium as the sustainable development goals and the Earth Charter. Highlighting the types of project-based learning and collaborative learning strategies to implement environmental projects that involve students in practical and collaborative activities, and critical thinking, allowing teachers to apply their knowledge in real contexts, developing practical skills and a deeper understanding of environmental issues.In accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 agenda, being able to combine some aspects of the territory concerning social, cultural, environmental and political commitments, according to the processes of information, research, evaluation, and extension, of the context in which it performs in accordance with decree 1236 of 2020 of the MEN. Key
Palabras clave
Ecopedagogía, Práctica Pedagógicas, Estrategia, Medio Ambiente