Clima organizacional en los trabajadores de la empresa Perfiles LTDA de la ciudad de Barranquilla
Niño Hernández, Patricia De Jesus
Iriarte Olmos, Etilvia Leonor
Herazo Quiroz, Zila Isabel
Navarro Hernández, Madis Esther
Polo Garcia, Liceth Patricia
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La investigación que se presenta estuvo enfocada en el área de la psicología organizacional cuyo objetivo principal consistió en describir el clima organizacional de dicha empresa.
Desde el punto de vista epistemológico el estudio se abordo desde el paradigma empírico –analítico el cual nos permitió desde una realidad dada y establecida entrar a estudiar la situación sin llegar a modificarla. Del mismo modo se resalta esta investigación desde la modalidad de estudio descriptivo, según lo propuesto por García Hernández et (2003).
La población objeto de estudio estuvo constituida por 17 trabajadores sin distinguir edad, sexo cargo y antigüedad; la elaboración de la muestra del estudio fue de 11 empleados evaluados de forma aleatoria. La técnica de recolección de la información escala de clima organizacional (EDCO) que evaluó las sub-escala: relaciones interpersonales, estilo de dirección, sentido de pertenencia, retribución, disponibilidad de recursos, estabilidad, claridad y coherencia en la dirección y valores colectivos.
Lo que permitió encontrar fortalezas individuales, grupales, personales y profesionales. Con lo anterior se puede concluir que el ambiente laboral en la empresa Perfiles Ltda., esta caracterizado primordialmente por los objetivos planteados por la organización, los cuales favorecen el adecuado desempeño de los trabajadores.
Sin embargo se recomienda seguir reforzando aspectos como el ambiente de trabajo orientado a la excelencia y cumplimiento de estándares de calidad; permitiendo esto una posición en el mercado laboral entre las empresas más grandes y representativas del sector de servicios temporales.
The investigation was focused occurring in the area of organizational psychology whose main objective was to describe the organizational climate of that company. From the standpoint epistemological the study aboard from the empirical-analytic paradigm which allowed us to view reality from a set and go to study the situation but not amend it. Similarly highlights this investigation since the mode of descriptive study, as proposed by Hernandez et (2003). The target population consisted of 17 workers without distinguishing age, sex and age dependent, the development of the sample study 11 employees were evaluated at random. The technique of gathering information scale organizational climate (EDCO), which assessed the sub-scale: interpersonal relationships, leadership style, sense of belonging, retribution, resource availability, stability, clarity and consistency in leadership and collective values. What we find strengths allowed individual, group, personal and professional. With the foregoing it can be concluded that the work environment at Ltda company profiles. This marked primarily by the goals set by the organization, which favour the proper performance of workers. However it is recommended further strengthening such areas as work environment oriented towards excellence and compliance with quality standards; allowing this position in the labour market among larger companies and representative of the temporary services industry.
The investigation was focused occurring in the area of organizational psychology whose main objective was to describe the organizational climate of that company. From the standpoint epistemological the study aboard from the empirical-analytic paradigm which allowed us to view reality from a set and go to study the situation but not amend it. Similarly highlights this investigation since the mode of descriptive study, as proposed by Hernandez et (2003). The target population consisted of 17 workers without distinguishing age, sex and age dependent, the development of the sample study 11 employees were evaluated at random. The technique of gathering information scale organizational climate (EDCO), which assessed the sub-scale: interpersonal relationships, leadership style, sense of belonging, retribution, resource availability, stability, clarity and consistency in leadership and collective values. What we find strengths allowed individual, group, personal and professional. With the foregoing it can be concluded that the work environment at Ltda company profiles. This marked primarily by the goals set by the organization, which favour the proper performance of workers. However it is recommended further strengthening such areas as work environment oriented towards excellence and compliance with quality standards; allowing this position in the labour market among larger companies and representative of the temporary services industry.
Palabras clave
Clima organizacional, Trabajadores, Contexto laboral desempeño laboral y personal, Visión global, Impacto de comportamiento y actitudes, Organizational climate, Workers, Employment context job performance and personal, Global vision, Impact behavior and attitudes.