La cultura ambiental y su relación con las prácticas de disposición final de residuos sólidos y líquidos de los habitantes del sur de Barranquilla
Carey Lara, Miguel Alejandro
Diaz Martínez, Kleyton Andrés
Fontalvo Sanjuanelo, Andrés Felipe
Mercado Manotas, Ximena Patricia
Santos Rosale, Yimmy Armando
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
El hecho de desarrollar actividades básicas para el ser humano como saciar las necesidades básicas del cuerpo humano, conlleva a la creación y/o generación de residuos sólidos y líquidos, estos agravan la situación medio ambiental que se está viviendo en la actualidad mundial. En el sur de la ciudad de Barranquilla se observan que una gran parte de su población desconoce de buenas prácticas sobre el tratamiento de estos dos tipos de residuos que son los que se generan a mayor escala día a día, el hecho de no saber cómo tratar o disponer de los mismos contribuye a daños al medio ambiente y en afectaciones a la salud de los mismos habitantes del sector como lo es en este caso el sur de la ciudad de Barranquilla.
The fact of developing basic activities for the human being, such as satisfying the basic needs of the human body, leads to the creation and/or generation of solid and liquid waste, these aggravate the environmental situation that is currently being experienced worldwide. In the south of the city of Barranquilla, it is observed that a large part of its population is unaware of good practices on the treatment of these two types of waste, which are the ones that are generated on a larger scale day by day, the fact of not knowing how to treat or have the same contributes to damage to the environment and affects the health of the same inhabitants of the sector as it is in this case the south of the city of Barranquilla.
The fact of developing basic activities for the human being, such as satisfying the basic needs of the human body, leads to the creation and/or generation of solid and liquid waste, these aggravate the environmental situation that is currently being experienced worldwide. In the south of the city of Barranquilla, it is observed that a large part of its population is unaware of good practices on the treatment of these two types of waste, which are the ones that are generated on a larger scale day by day, the fact of not knowing how to treat or have the same contributes to damage to the environment and affects the health of the same inhabitants of the sector as it is in this case the south of the city of Barranquilla.
Palabras clave
Residuos líquidos, Tratamiento de residuos, Cultura ambiental, Solid waste, Liquid waste, Waste treatment, Environmental culture