Gestión de herramientas de Cloud computing en los laboratorios de la Universidad Simón Bolívar
Velásquez, D.
Torregrosa, A.
Morelos, M.
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
El proyecto que se llevará a cabo tiene el objetivo de implementar en los laboratorios de la universidad
las tecnologías del internet de las cosas y aplicando cloud computing adquiriendo servidores en la nube
y servidores de almacenamiento para así usar los computadores de los laboratorios de ingeniería de
sistemas a aprovechar su potencia de procesamiento ya que los estudiantes que se les dificulte asistir
presencialmente lo podrán hacer virtualmente, además de esto se implementara un foro.
The project that will be carried out has the objective of implementing Internet of Things technologies in the university laboratories and applying cloud computing by acquiring servers in the cloud and storage servers in order to use the computers of the engineering laboratories of systems to take advantage of their processing power since students who find it difficult to attend in person will be able to do so virtually, in addition to this a forum will be implemented.
The project that will be carried out has the objective of implementing Internet of Things technologies in the university laboratories and applying cloud computing by acquiring servers in the cloud and storage servers in order to use the computers of the engineering laboratories of systems to take advantage of their processing power since students who find it difficult to attend in person will be able to do so virtually, in addition to this a forum will be implemented.
Palabras clave
Educación, Internet de las cosas, Cloud computing, Laboratorios, Education, Internet of things, Laboratories