Habilidades para la vida e inteligencia social como elementos favorecedores de la salud mental en universitarios
Bonilla-Flores, Yuly-Yohana
Carrillo-Molina, Carlos-Armando
Jaimes-Palencia, Dulayne-Milena
Carrillo-Sierra, Sandra-Milena
Rivera-Porras, Diego
Díaz-Posada, Leidy Evelyn
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Universidad Central de Venezuela
El propósito de este estudio fue analizar la relación
entre las habilidades para la vida y la inteligencia
social en estudiantes de una universidad privada. Se
desarrolló bajo un enfoque cuantitativo, con diseño
no experimental, de tipo descriptivo-correlacional
y corte transversal. La población se conformó por
506 estudiantes universitarios matriculados en los
primeros semestres (1, 2 y 3) de una universidad
privada. La muestra fue de tipo no probabilística,
y se conformó por 278 estudiantes. Se utilizó como
instrumentos el test habilidades para la vida y la
escala breve de Inteligencia social. Para analizar la
relación entre las variables estudiadas, se utilizó la
correlación de Spearman-Brown (dado que los datos
no siguen una distribución normal (Kolmogorov-
Smirnov; P<0,05), se planteó como hipótesis nula
(P≥0,05) la independencia de las variables estudiadas
(habilidades para la vida e inteligencia social), y
como hipótesis alterna (P>0,05), la relación entre
las variables estudiadas (habilidades para la vida e
inteligencia social), de acuerdo con la correlación
de Spearman-Brown, se encontró que existe relación
entre las dimensiones de las variables estudiadas
(P<0,05), de igual forma, se encontró también que
dicha relación es directamente proporcional. A modo
de conclusión, se puede decir que las habilidades
para la vida y la inteligencia social, son variables
necesarias en los procesos de formación académica, y
según los hallazgos obtenidos, se considera pertinente
desarrollar acciones de formación e intervención en
las mismas, con el fin de favorecer la adaptación al contexto universitario, la permanencia estudiantil y el
alcance de las competencias profesionales de egreso.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between life skills and social intelligence in students from a private university. It was developed under a quantitative approach, with a non-experimental design, descriptive-correlational, and cross-sectional. The population was made up of 506 university students enrolled in the first semesters (1, 2, and 3) of a private university. The sample was non-probabilistic and was made up of 278 students. The life skills test and the short social intelligence scale were used as instruments. To analyze the relationship between the variables studied, the Spearman-Brown correlation was used (since the data do not follow a normal distribution (Kolmogorov- Smirnov; P<0.05), it was proposed as a null hypothesis (P≥0.05) the independence of the variables studied (life skills and social intelligence), and as an alternative hypothesis (P> 0.05), the relationship between the variables studied (life skills and social intelligence), according to the Spearman correlation -Brown, it was found that there is a relationship between the dimensions of the variables studied (P<0.05), in the same way, it was also found that said relationship is directly proportional. Life and social intelligence are necessary variables in the processes of academic training, and according to the results obtained, it is considered pertinent to develop training and intervention actions in them, to favor adaptation to the university context, student permanence, and scope of graduate professional competencies.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between life skills and social intelligence in students from a private university. It was developed under a quantitative approach, with a non-experimental design, descriptive-correlational, and cross-sectional. The population was made up of 506 university students enrolled in the first semesters (1, 2, and 3) of a private university. The sample was non-probabilistic and was made up of 278 students. The life skills test and the short social intelligence scale were used as instruments. To analyze the relationship between the variables studied, the Spearman-Brown correlation was used (since the data do not follow a normal distribution (Kolmogorov- Smirnov; P<0.05), it was proposed as a null hypothesis (P≥0.05) the independence of the variables studied (life skills and social intelligence), and as an alternative hypothesis (P> 0.05), the relationship between the variables studied (life skills and social intelligence), according to the Spearman correlation -Brown, it was found that there is a relationship between the dimensions of the variables studied (P<0.05), in the same way, it was also found that said relationship is directly proportional. Life and social intelligence are necessary variables in the processes of academic training, and according to the results obtained, it is considered pertinent to develop training and intervention actions in them, to favor adaptation to the university context, student permanence, and scope of graduate professional competencies.
Palabras clave
Habilidades para la vida, Inteligencia social, Educación superior, Life skills, Social intelligence, Higher education