Apreciación de los estudiantes sobre la calidad académica del programa de psicología de la universidad Simón Bolívar año 2009
Carrillo Viloria, Joyce
Herazo Correa, Nelcy
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La calidad académica es aquel aspecto por medio del cual se establecen los métodos a través de los cuales una institución mejora sus procesos de enseñanza, para lo cual es importante tener en cuenta todo aquello que rodea el carácter institucional en el cual se desenvuelven, debido a la importancia que la calidad académica tiene en la actualidad y por estar en la mira de procesos de gran relevancia como la acreditación institucional, lo que hizo que la presente investigación tomara en cuenta aspectos relacionados directamente con la calidad académica, tal como la institucionalidad de la Universidad, su misión, su visión, sus procesos académicos, sus instalaciones, el marco referencial de la institución, lo cual hizo que se llevara a cabo una investigación desde la metodología cuantitativa y un diseño descriptivo que permitió conocer la apreciación que estudiantes y docentes tienen de la calidad académica. Lo anterior pudo establecer que las apreciaciones estuvieron encaminadas hacia el conocimiento de los aspectos formales de la institución, tales como los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, el manejo de recursos físicos y logísticos con los que cuenta la institución.
Academic quality is one aspect through which establishes the methods by which an institution improve their teaching, which is important to take into account everything that surrounds the institutional nature in which they operate, due to the importance of academic quality is at present and looks to be in the process of great importance as institutional accreditation, which made this investigation took into account aspects directly related to academic quality, such as the institutionalization of University, its mission, vision, academic processes, the facilities are the frame of reference of the institution, which led to an investigation carried out from the quantitative methodology and a descriptive design yielded information on the assessment that students and teachers have quality academics. This was ascertained that the findings were directed toward understanding the formal aspects of the institution, such as teaching-learning processes, management of physical and logistical resources with which the institution has.
Academic quality is one aspect through which establishes the methods by which an institution improve their teaching, which is important to take into account everything that surrounds the institutional nature in which they operate, due to the importance of academic quality is at present and looks to be in the process of great importance as institutional accreditation, which made this investigation took into account aspects directly related to academic quality, such as the institutionalization of University, its mission, vision, academic processes, the facilities are the frame of reference of the institution, which led to an investigation carried out from the quantitative methodology and a descriptive design yielded information on the assessment that students and teachers have quality academics. This was ascertained that the findings were directed toward understanding the formal aspects of the institution, such as teaching-learning processes, management of physical and logistical resources with which the institution has.
Palabras clave
Acreditación, Estudiantes, Docentes, Calidad académica, Institucionalidad, Accreditation, Students, Teachers, Academic quality and institutional