Diseño de producto íntimo femenino biodegradable e hipo-alergénico con esponjas marinas
Hoyos Benavides, Vanessa
Ortega Palma, Christian
Sánchez Herrera, Carolay
Taba Charris, Valentina
Thomas Carrillo, Johan
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
Este proyecto surgió a base de las necesidades de la
mujer durante su ciclo menstrual, enfocándose en los
diferentes problemas que se presentan durante este.
Por eso, el grupo investigador decidió crear estas
nuevas toallas menstruales con una base de esponja
marina que cumple la misma función del algodón en
las toallas convencionales, los beneficios de estas
toallas es que al ser de esponja marina se vuelven
reutilizables, así que después de retirar inmediatamente
se puede lavar, la diferencia de esta nueva toalla a la
convencional es que eliminamos radicalmente el
algodón, el perfume que poseen, los inhibidores del
olor y la contaminación al ambiente.
This project arose based on the needs of women during their menstrual cycle, focusing on the different problems that arise during it. For this reason, the research group decided to create these new menstrual pads with a sea sponge base that performs the same function as cotton in conventional towels. The benefits of these towels is that, being made of sea sponge, they become reusable, so after removed immediately can be washed, the difference between this new towel and the conventional one is that we radically eliminate cotton, the perfume they have, odor inhibitors and environmental pollution.
This project arose based on the needs of women during their menstrual cycle, focusing on the different problems that arise during it. For this reason, the research group decided to create these new menstrual pads with a sea sponge base that performs the same function as cotton in conventional towels. The benefits of these towels is that, being made of sea sponge, they become reusable, so after removed immediately can be washed, the difference between this new towel and the conventional one is that we radically eliminate cotton, the perfume they have, odor inhibitors and environmental pollution.
Palabras clave
Hipo alergénico, Biodegradable, Contaminación ambiental, Esponja marina, Hypoallergenic, Biodegradable, Environmental pollution, Marine sponge