Aplicación de la teoría imputación objetiva a la responsabilidad civil del Estado por el mal uso de la redes sociales en Colombia
Polo Bolaño, Margarita
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad De Ciencias Jurídicas Y Sociales
Facultad De Ciencias Jurídicas Y Sociales
La aplicación concreta de la teoría de la imputación objetiva en sus dimensiones e ingredientes normativos, en la responsabilidad civil del Estado por el uso indebido, incorrecto, descortés, en esta sociedad revolucionada por las tecnologías, resulta ser nueva y se hace necesario ir dilucidando esta temática, para tener la claridad suficiente y aplicar adecuadamente el concepto de imputación objetiva a este tipo específico de responsabilidad del Estado. Es un reto que se viene en esta era digital, en la era del uso de la TIC, es importante paulatinamente adaptarse a estas nuevas circunstancias, y respecto del derecho de daños, especialmente en lo que respecta a la responsabilidad del Estado, también es importante, que se esté atento a las conductas de los servidores públicos, que por medio de los canales digitales, especialmente redes sociales, emitan opiniones e ideas o información calumniosas, hirientes, deshonrosas que vulneren derechos fundamentales al buen nombre y a la honra, ocasionando un daño a un tercero o afectado
The concrete application of the theory of objective imputation in its dimensions and normative ingredients, in the civil responsibility of the State for the improper, incorrect, impolite use, in this society revolutionized by technologies, turns out to be new and it is necessary to elucidate this subject, to be sufficiently clear and properly apply the concept of objective imputation to this specific type of State responsibility. It is a challenge that is coming in this digital age, in the era of the use of ICT, it is important to gradually adapt to these new circumstances, and with regard to the law of damages, especially with regard to the responsibility of the State, it is also important , to be attentive to the conduct of public servants, who through digital channels, especially social networks, issue slanderous, hurtful, dishonorable opinions and ideas or information that violate fundamental rights to good name and honor, causing harm to a third party or affected.
The concrete application of the theory of objective imputation in its dimensions and normative ingredients, in the civil responsibility of the State for the improper, incorrect, impolite use, in this society revolutionized by technologies, turns out to be new and it is necessary to elucidate this subject, to be sufficiently clear and properly apply the concept of objective imputation to this specific type of State responsibility. It is a challenge that is coming in this digital age, in the era of the use of ICT, it is important to gradually adapt to these new circumstances, and with regard to the law of damages, especially with regard to the responsibility of the State, it is also important , to be attentive to the conduct of public servants, who through digital channels, especially social networks, issue slanderous, hurtful, dishonorable opinions and ideas or information that violate fundamental rights to good name and honor, causing harm to a third party or affected.
Palabras clave
Imputación, Estado, Redes sociales, Responsabilidad, Daño antijurídico, perjuicios, Imputation, State, Social networks, Responsibility, Unlawful damage, Damages