Propuesta de un programa de responsabilidad social institucional para el Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje Regional Norte de Santander
Perez Diaz, Jenny Rocio
Lopez Chacon, Jorge Andres
Ureña Jaimes, Pedro Luis
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
El mundo empresarial actual exige y demanda cada vez más a líderes y
organizaciones que propenden obtener un valor adicional en su gestión y cadena
de valor, para acrecentar las utilidades y dividendos de las organizaciones y estar
actualizados en sus procesos.
La sociedad de hoy requiere y solicita un uso racional de los recursos naturales,
minimizando el impacto en materia de uso, desgaste y contaminación que realizan
las corporaciones en la ejecución de su objeto social, por lo cual requiere orientar
sus actividades con estrategias de sostenibilidad. Además, exige un trato digno e
igualdad de oportunidades y condiciones para las personas a través de prácticas
En aras de afrontar cada una de las solicitudes de la sociedad actual, las
instituciones educativas han adoptado el concepto de Responsabilidad Social
Institucional (RSI), en donde se permiten alinear su direccionamiento estratégico,
objetivos, planes, valores y programas con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible
(ODS), permitiendo a las entidades que implementan estas prácticas, obtener
ventajas competitivas sobre sus competidores y un sin número de
reconocimientos y status de gran nivel, puesto que desde la educación con
enfoque social, han adoptado prácticas que permiten garantizar a las futuras
generaciones una sociedad equilibrada, inclusiva y racional que se identifica con
la conservación de los recursos naturales y una frecuente cultura de cambio, para
que ayuden a impulsar un desarrollo económico en su región generando
proyectos emprendedores que contribuyan a mejorar la calidad de vida
beneficiando a los diferentes sectores de su entorno para que a través de este
aprendizaje y experiencia generen una contribución social, y al igual que incluir en
estos un área de investigación desde diferentes ámbitos para estar a la
vanguardia de la industria actual; ya que son promotores constantes de buenas
prácticas empresariales y catalizadores de cambios favorables y positivos de un
mundo y una sociedad que requiere de toda nuestra atención y cuidado.
Today's business world demands and demands more and more from leaders and organizations that seek to obtain additional value in their management and value chain, in order to increase the profits and dividends of organizations and stay up- to-date in their processes. Today's society requires and requests a rational use of natural resources, minimizing the impact in terms of use, wear and contamination that corporations carry out in the execution of their corporate purpose, which is why it requires guiding their activities with sustainability strategies. In addition, it requires dignified treatment and equal opportunities and conditions for people through inclusive practices. In order to face each of the requests of today's society, educational institutions have adopted the concept of Institutional Social Responsibility (RSI), where they are allowed to align their strategic direction, objectives, plans, values and programs with the Development Objectives. Sustainable (ODS), allowing entities that implement these practices, to obtain competitive advantages over their competitors and a number of recognitions and high-level status, since from a socially focused education, they have adopted practices that guarantee future generations a balanced, inclusive and rational society that identifies itself with the conservation of natural resources and a frequent culture of change, so that they help to promote economic development in their region by generating entrepreneurial projects that contribute to improving the quality of life, benefiting different sectors of their environment so that through this learning and experience generate a social contribution, and like including in these a research area from different fields to be at the forefront of the current industry; since they are constant promoters of good business practices and catalysts for favorable and positive changes in a world and a society that requires our full attention and care.
Today's business world demands and demands more and more from leaders and organizations that seek to obtain additional value in their management and value chain, in order to increase the profits and dividends of organizations and stay up- to-date in their processes. Today's society requires and requests a rational use of natural resources, minimizing the impact in terms of use, wear and contamination that corporations carry out in the execution of their corporate purpose, which is why it requires guiding their activities with sustainability strategies. In addition, it requires dignified treatment and equal opportunities and conditions for people through inclusive practices. In order to face each of the requests of today's society, educational institutions have adopted the concept of Institutional Social Responsibility (RSI), where they are allowed to align their strategic direction, objectives, plans, values and programs with the Development Objectives. Sustainable (ODS), allowing entities that implement these practices, to obtain competitive advantages over their competitors and a number of recognitions and high-level status, since from a socially focused education, they have adopted practices that guarantee future generations a balanced, inclusive and rational society that identifies itself with the conservation of natural resources and a frequent culture of change, so that they help to promote economic development in their region by generating entrepreneurial projects that contribute to improving the quality of life, benefiting different sectors of their environment so that through this learning and experience generate a social contribution, and like including in these a research area from different fields to be at the forefront of the current industry; since they are constant promoters of good business practices and catalysts for favorable and positive changes in a world and a society that requires our full attention and care.
Palabras clave
Responsabilidad social institucional, Inclusiva, Educación, Competitiva, Institutional Social Responsibility, Inclusive, Education, competitive